You out of all people pt.2💧 Bucky

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Song: Tom Odell - can't pretend.

'Nobody's here to save you.... you're all alone... nobody cares about you... you're nothing... not even to Hydra... you're not a hero, nor a villain, you're nothing... nobody will ever love you... Love is for children... you are a soldier...'if you want to make it in this world you have to fight, just like you have to fight for your freedom y/n...'

'No more... please... stop...' you beg as you try to catch your breath.

'Oh but we've just begun Miss y/l/n, and we are nowhere near done... see nobody cares about you except for me...I do care... your looks and your knowledge of many languages makes you incredibly valuable, also your looks are...extraordinary ... now we just need you to cooperate... and if you're not willingly following commands, we just have to make you...'

'I'll listen I promise I'll be good.. please...' you get dragged to the chair and you know what it means.

'I'L LISTEN I SWEAR!' You scream out.

'Now how can I be so sure of that?, you had me use the words again last time, I can't have that happening again with such limited time on the clock now can I?'

'Y/n...' again his voice pierced through your chain of memory.

He tries to put his hands over yours but you flinch away, you can hear the limitation of your freedom rattling against the metal table.

'Don't...touch me... please...' you can bring out.

You've never felt so weak and helpless other than your time in Hydra's base upstate. You have no idea where you are or what's going to happen to you. It's a nostalgic feeling and not the good kind.

'Y/n I'm sorry....' he speaks up.

You have so many things to say to him right now, so many things that you could scream right into his face, but nothing comes out. You can't get a word out, you don't know where to even begin.

'I love you...'

'You call this love?, no James this isn't love this is complete and utter betrayal...' you scoff. 'I trusted you...' your lip starts to quiver.

'You're right y/n and I shouldn't have but...'

'But what?!' You snap at him. 'You're a hypocrite Barnes!, you know what it's like!, you know the feeling of going through something this awful and still you rat me out?, after everything?!, I STOOD BY YOU ALL THE TIME AND THE ONE MOMENT I NEED YOU TO DO THE SAME YOU'RE NOT THERE FOR ME!' You're red and panting out of anger.

He again tries to reach out for you but you again try to pull yourself away.

'Don't. You. Fucking. Dare...' you hiss at him.

'Y/n please-'

'Stop talking... stop...stop...' you hunch over to cover your ears, grabbing a fistful of hair.

'Just stop...' you beg him.

'We have to get her out...' Bucky rushes into Steve's room, closes and locks the door behind him.

'What are you talking about?' Steve stands up from his chair to get on Bucky's eye level.

'Y/n, we have to get her out...I made a mistake, a huge mistake, what if Hydra finds her. She mentioned something about trigger words, the same they used on me... what if something like Berlin happens to her?'

'She's locked away good Buck, she is heavily guarded, there's no way she could get out or anyone can get in...'

'She was right, when she called me a hypocrite....Steve I need your help to get her out...please...'

'Buck this is different from when I rescued you, you do realise that don't you?'

'Yes I do but she's equally important, maybe even more important than I am...please...'

'You really love her don't you?'

'Of course I do...I'm just trying to show her that I made a huge mistake and that I'm trying to make it right...Steve c'mon squally five head first in danger...'

'We leave tonight then...I'll ask Tony for the blueprints...shouldn't we ask the whole team to help?'

'You really think After they pressured me to turn her in, they're willing to help her get out?'

'Yes actually, we're sorry too...and Natasha is mad at us for pressuring we would like to help...' Bruce stands there with the whole group behind him.

'I want my girl back...' Natasha smiles sadly.

'We'll need a plan...' Steve suggests.

'Already on it...' Tony says.

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