You're my person 💧 Pietro (request)

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Song: Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens.

Imagine; you have nightmares, Pietro comforts you.

You weren't a very easy person to begin with, you come with a manual, a very, very thick manual.

You are part of the team, but you never really felt at home in the compound.

You are different than the rest, you have a power that could easily be used for evil, you're not strong, you're not intelligent, well not out of the ordinary intelligent. You're capable of controlling someone's body, dangerous really.

That's hard as it is but given the fact that it's linked to your emotions, it's even harder to control.

You have nightmares about it. About what you did a few years back. It was an accident, and your brother doesn't blame you. But you do.

Tonight was one of those nights that you had another nightmare. Again.

The car swerved off of the road, right into the side of the stone bridge.

Glass shatters, your brother yells out something but you can't make out what.

There's smoke coming from the beat up hood. The dinging of the airbags in the distance.

You lift your head. Your brain is pounding in your skull, your neck hurts and you fel blood tickling down your head.

'Danny?' You ask out of breath.

You see his head still laying against the steering wheel. He's not moving, he's not breathing, this is bad. So bad.

'Danny?' You ask again while tears form in your eyes.

His head lifts up, he turns his head to you, blood painted all over. It's like a horrormovie.

'Danny?' You repeat.

'Your...fault...' he chokes up, crimson red coming out of his mouth.

You gasp awake, your breaths coming out shallow and uneven. You clasp a hand over your mouth as you start crying.

You feel like you can't breathe, your throat tightens up, your chest aches and tears race down your cheeks.

A loud bang on the door makes your head snap up, the door opens and closes fast before a blue streak enters.

'Y/n...breathe...' a hand is now cupping your cheek.

'I can't breathe...' you croak out.

'Yes you can...'

Pietro. It's him. You can tell by his Russian accent. You can make out the shape of his face, you can register his hand now.

You stare at him, making your breathing slow down since you're now focusing on something else.

His arms wrap themselves around you, a warm embrace is what you need right now.

'So do you want to tell me what has you so upset?' He asks and you shake your head in response.

'I'd rather not...'

You're sprawled out over him, using his body as your giant pillow. His arm is wrapped around your waist, keeping you close.

'Do you want to talk about something else then?'

'Please...' you softly smile at him.

He sits up against the headboard, pulling you with him and wrapping one arm around your waist. The other lazily lays on his lap. His fingers playing with yours.

You two were always intimate, but always labelled as friends. Very, very close friends. That label makes your chest ache.

'Y/n?' He asks.

You him in response, you're tired but you don't want to go to sleep. You want to talk to him, but you're so damn tired.

'Do you like me?' He asks and your breath hitches, your heart is pounding in your chest.

You don't reply, you can't say it. You can't tell him because if he doesn't like you back, this friendship is doomed to be awkward and possibly...over.

He chuckles, his chest vibrating against your side. He tightens his arm around you. The action makes you blush wildly.

'If it even matters to you... I like you a lot, some would say I love more than a friend, even more then a best friend, and even more than mega best friends...'

'You don't have to say it so I feel better...'

'Look at me...' he replies, you shake your head slightly.

'Y/n...look at me...' his voice gets softer yet more demanding, so you sigh as you turn your body to look at him.

Before Pietro or you can even say a word to you, his lips meet yours and you shift. You move up to straddle him and his arms wrap around your waist to tug you closer.

He breaks the kiss to look at you. Your hands snake through his curls.

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Why didn't you tell me?' He retorts and you chuckle.


'I like you y/n..a lot, and I want to help you through this.. I want to lay next to you... every night, I want to hold you...'

'Then let'a do that...I would very much like to have you here and not think of an excuse...'

'You are a strange lady y/n...but you are extraordinary...'

'Stop it...' you yawn as you climb off of him and lay down against his chest.

'You're ready to go to sleep?' He asks and you nod.

'I love you y/n...' he kisses your head.

'I live you too...' you sigh before falling into a much needed and very deep sleep.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now