Music enlightens 💧 Banned music AU (pt.2)

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Song: Falloutboy - Novocaine

(I's sorry but everyone in this is mean, because it's Hydra, and Hydra only has meanies except for my bean Bucky, but he's mean too in this.. Sorry in advance)

'Okay class, the dancing lesson is over, I'll see you all tomorrow, y/n, knock yourself out you have the room for yourself as usual..'

'Thank you Miss Wick...' you smile while the other students leave the room.

When everyone is out, Wanda and Peter crawl from behind one of the large boxes and rush up to you.

'Wanda close the door...' you say and she nods rushing over to it, licking it good before walking to you again.

'Okay so I've listen to a couple of them and I think you'll like this one's called... Novocaine by Fallout-boy...'

'What's a fallout boy?' Peter asks.

'No idea but this song sounds so good, like it's really good, I can even dance to it...'

'Okay Misses talk-a-lot, put on the song...' Peter grabs the phone and clicks play.

You hum to the song as you start to dance. You twirl around and whip your hair with every word and you love it, being able to freely dance and listen to other music, you've had enough of classical music.

'Shall we go tonight?, to the group I mean?' Wanda asks.

'Yeah I was thinking on going, Peter what about you?, you still up for it?'

'Uh duh...we have new music, of course I want to go again...'

Ever since you met up with the group, you, Wanda and Peter have been going nonstop, all they do is listen to different kinds of music, create new art and go against everything Hydra created. It makes you feel free even though your parents are somewhat the founders of Hydra.

'I heard them talking about this big plan they have, maybe we should join them...' Wanda suggests and you stop dancing.

'Wanda we can't, what if our parents find out?'

'Too late...' you hear your father say and it makes your heart sink and you breathing stop for a moment.

While the music plays you turn around to find Bucky, Steve and Tony standing there, all three dads are standing there with a cold look on their faces.

'Turn off the music.' Tony scolds, making Peter turn it off immediately.

'Wanda come here...' Steve orders and she bows her head before following his orders, standing beside him, facing you.

Peter hands the phone to you and your dad holds up his hand, signalling to hand it over. Which you do, you place it in his hand and before you know it, he tosses it against the wall, making it shatter into a million pieces while you flinch at the crashing noise.

You're afraid to look him in the eyes and he knows it, he knows that sometimes he scares you, just like right now, he's scaring you.

Tears fill your eyes, they spill over very quickly after that, and Bucky puts his hand under chin and roughly told it up so you're looking at him.

'You're lucky you're my daughter y/'re staying indoors from now on...' he roughly let's go again and you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding.

'Tony, find out where this phone came from, I wanna know who's trying to start this revolution...' Bucky walks away while Tony nods, he has a firm grip on Peter who just looks at you with this blank stare.

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