Barbie pt. 2 💧 Natasha (request)

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Song: Heart of Stone - Iko.

Yes I will be making another part don't worry, also I cried while making this so get ready.

'Why are they shooting at you again?!' You yell as you and Natasha are hiding behind a car, both carrying a gun ready to shoot with.

'Because I'm the most wanted spy in the universe...' she winks and you chuckle at her.

'Damn right..' you reply before shooting over the car and hitting two out of the five.

Natasha then pops up and hit the other three, making them crash to the floor.

'Holy shit marry me...' she pants and you smirk at her.

'Well well well...look who we have here, the powercouple of the decade...' the villain chuckles.

'Damian...' Natasha speaks as she straightens her back and stands in front of you.

'Aww how cute, Natasha protecting you instead of framing you for her murders...'

'Don't...' she wants Damian but you won't let her cut him off.

'What do you mean by that?' Curiosity wins it from your common sense.

'Oh you don't know?, Yeah Natasha is the one who framed you for those murders...she is the one who pinned everything on you...'

'You're lying...' you want him to be lying so badly.

You and Natasha have been going strong ever since you came out of prison and you really love her, so you hope he's not telling you the truth right now.

'Deep down you know I'm not lying..look at the thing will always be left at the crime's her "mark" if you will...'

'Damian Stop...' Natasha sternly interrupts him but he shushes her.

'What mark?' You ask, your curiosity again winning.

'You will see that every crime scene will have a spider laying next to the victim, it's always there, you can look at the pictures...'

'I don't believe you, she wouldn't do that...'

'It's a black widow y/n, you may not believe me but you have the files, you can look for can-'

Natasha's gun goes off and there lays Damian, a clean shot through the head killed him instantly. Not her style, no sassy remark after, she's trying to hide something.

'I swear y/n, he was lying...'

'I know baby I know...why would he be telling the truth? He was a bad guy!' You chuckle and she smiles at you.

'Okay I'm gonna go get cleaned up..I'll see you in a bit...' Natasha pecks your cheek before moving to the shower.

'Okay..' you call after her and she chuckles before you hear the door to the bathroom close.

You're at a crossroads here, you either trust her and don't look at the files, or you look at the files just to be safe. You choose the latter because you want to know if you missed that one simple detail. Natasha did help get you out of prison, but you have to know for sure.

So you make your way over to the locked drawer containing the files of the four murders you supposedly committed.

You double check if she's coming before opening the drawer and taking out the files. You hastily go through them, taking a look at every picture.

You hear the shower stop running after a while of staring at the files in your hand. You hear the door open but still you're standing there. There's no intention of putting back the files now, not even when Natasha walks in and sees you.

'Y/n...' she speaks up but you can't even look at her.

'When were you going to tell me?' You say, trying to keep yourself away from the flood of emotions about to drown you.

'Y/n listen please I didn't-'

'WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?!' Your grip on the papers becomes even tighter.

'Look I didn't know you back then...and I...and I...' She stutters and you throw the files on the kitchen table.

'You're the reason I went to jail, you're the reason my blankets feel like they're suffocating me, the reason my mattress feels like it's consuming me!, you're the reason I got separated from my own brother! And then the worst part of it all!, YOU LIED TO ME!'

'Well you should've trust me on this!'


'I....i....i...' She stutters over and over again, her mind is blank, she has no idea what to say.

She's looking at the now broken woman in front of her, the one she loved from the first meeting and now she broke that woman.

'Please just get out...' your voice comes out as a broken whisper.

'Y/n please don't do this...' she begs.

'Get out...' you repeat, your voice is now harsh and threatening.

'I'm sorry...'

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