Nightmare 💧 Steve (request)

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Song: Halsey - Nightmare.

This is for Divergentlover456 .....I'm so sorryyyyyyy it took so loooong.

Everyone thinks you're a bitch, you snarl at everyone, a lot of people thing you're a psychopath and the truth is you are.

You don't see the point of acting nice anymore, all you did, your whole life was play nice, just take everything and cry about it later, or even better not cry at all.

You were always the good girl, taking everyone's shit, thinking it would be normal to be treated like this. Until one day you finally found out the way you were treated, was not the way any person should be.

And they would always tell you to smile. 'C'mon give us a smile sweetheart!' While they were beating you.

'C'mon give us a smile' right after you were ordered to kill off innocent people.

They always would tell you to just look on the bright side and you've gotten sick of hearing it again and again on missions, at the press..even from the others.

And then there's the judgy looks or comments when you're just being you.

'Y/n come on!, it was just a joke!'

'YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT YOU CROSSED A LINE THERE STARK!' you yell as you storm out of the jet and make a beeline to your room.

You slam the door and immediately sit down on the floor, sliding down the door before pulling your knees up to your chest.

It wasn't even that big of a deal, but the fact that the people that fucked you up are about to get away with everything messes with your head.

You just heard it before you went on the mission, you couldn't handle his comment, the worst thing is that you were doing so good with the team and now this fucked it up again.

You suddenly can't control that anger inside of you and you shout up.

'DAMNIT!' You yell as you shove everything off of your desk, the papers flying around the room.

You grab a pillow from your bed and you rip it in half, the feathers falling like confetti, covering the floor.

You then move to the innocent chair in the corner and you throw it across the room.

Last is the case with the flowers you got from Steve because you were doing so good, is shattered on the floor, the flowers slowly dying between the broken pieces.

'y/n?, everything okay in there?' A familiar voice comes through the door.

'Don't come in...' you warn him.

You reach for your throwing knife and just as the door opens it gets thrown at him, planting itself in the wall right next to his ear. But he doesn't flinch away, he just closes his eyes and waits for the knife to hit.

'I said don't come in...'

'That's some intense redecorating you're doing y/n..'

You basically growl before throwing another knife, this time it ends just above his hand and it wedges itself in the door.

'Sorry I shouldn't have said that, can I please come in so we can talk about it?'

'There's nothing to talk about...'

'I saw the news, I'm not ignorant, I know this must be a hard time for you...'

You reach for another of your throwing knifes and he puts his hands up in defence.

'I know...and I won't comment anything about it that makes it seem like a joke...I know this is hard for you...' you explains as he shuts the door behind him.

You slowly retract your hand from the knives and you see him sigh in relief.

You move over to the bed and sit on the end. You bury your face in your hands and your shoulders start shaking.

'Let it out...m'right here..' Steve wraps an arm around you and you move to bury your face in his chest.

'There gonna get away with everything...'

'I'm not going to let them...if the court won't I'll bring them in myself and they will have to be locked up by SHIELD..'

'I was doing better and better, then this happens and Tony's comment..'

'Tony is an ass who doesn't understand anything that has nothing to do with him...he shouldn't have made that comment...'

You wipe your tears and you look at his shirt.

'I'm sorry I soaked your shirt...' you apologise.

'It's okay...'

'And I'm sorry about the flowers, I liked them a lot but, I...'

'I'll buy new ones...don't worry about my shirt or the flowers...I'm more concerned about you at the moment...' he replies raising your chin with his hand.

'Everyone will think I'm a bitch, the ones that don't already...'

'Nobody thinks that, the team knows you've had a rough childhood, a tough life...they all were standing outside to go check on you...but I send them away because I know how you like to be alone at times like that...'

'I don' being alone, it's see what I can do with a single tantrum, I don't want to hurt anyone...if I hadn't been this calm already, you would've laid there with a knife between your eyes..'

'Oh well-'

'If you're gonna day look on the bright side I'm gonna wedge one of my knives in your ribs...' you reply bluntly.

You clasp a hand over your mouth, you didn't want that to be said out loud but you did. To your surprise he just laughs it off and nods.

'I won't finish that sentence..' he chuckles.

'Sorry...' you chuckle with him.

The chuckling eventually fades away in silent staring. He then leans in and you close your eyes when you feel his lips touch yours.

Your hand travels to the nape of his neck and his hand travels to your cheek and he pulls you closer with the other.

"I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night
That I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night"

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