We don't talk anymore 💧 Natasha (request)

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Song: Charlie Pugh ft. Selena Gomez - we don't talk anymore.

Imagine: Natasha and you ended your relationship quite nasty, and now Nat wants to go over to talk it out but she's scared that you will slam the door in her face. (It's the continuation of "Barbie part 1 and 2"  and a request at the same time)


Natasha shoots up into a sitting position, her breathing is rapid and shallow. She's never experienced such vivid nightmares before.

Until you found out what she did, you found out that that she framed you for all murders, resulting in you going to prison.

She never meant for this to happen, she didn't know, she didn't know you were the one person that would make her happy, that would make her get up in the morning.

But now that's gone and she has fallen into her old rhythm again, she drinks and she started smoking again, which sounds nothing like her, because she hid it.

And staying in bed most of the time, thinking about the good times she had with you, and the bad. She wants so badly to just show up at your door. To make amends to try and fix what she did.

She misses you, she can't live without you and she's afraid that you will turn her away the second she shows up.

But one night, she finds herself at your door. She doesn't know what she's really doing here. She's debating wether or not to knock.

Not knowing if there's someone else that loves you the way she did, the way she does. She hears you laugh on the other side.

It brings tears to her eyes because she's not the one making you laugh, she's not there.

She hears you laugh again, another voice coming from the apartment. So Natasha turns to walk away, but stops and freezes when she hears the door open.

'Natasha?' Your voice is surprised, shocked maybe even a little hurt.

She doesn't dare to turn around, she didn't expect the door to open, for you to gene glance her way but you did.

'Nat?' You ask again, voice soft and gentle.

It makes her turn around to look at you. Her eyes are still dodging yours, but at least she turned around.

'Nat is everything okay?' You ask.

A stupid fucking question really because of course she isn't okay, neither are you. You're both broken, that laughter she just heard was something rare.

The tv showed some kind of funny but and you laughed out of a reflex. That's what Natasha must've heard that made her turn around.

'No...' Natasha replies, honest.

'Do you uh... do you want to come in?' You ask and after debating she nods.

After she walked in, you close the door behind her just as she sits down.

It stays silent for a couple more minutes before she finally speaks up.

'I'm sorry...I never meant for this to happen and if I had known at the time I would never...I would never have framed you...'

'Can we please not do this right now...'

'Then when y/n?, I love you, and I want to fix this, I want to make it up to you and I know I can't because this is horrible, what I did was horrible...but I can't live without you...'

You rub your face with a long sigh.

You still love her too but you don't know if you can forgive her. But the longer you stare at her, the more you remember how good life with her has been.

And she couldn't have known that it was you back when she did it, doesn't make it okay, but still.

'Nat do you have any idea... what you did to me?'

'I do..and I'm not proud of it, it was before I became a shield agent, before I became an avengers and I know that's not an excuse...'

'I never... I never thought of that...' you move over to the couch she's sitting on and you sit yourself down.

'I should probably just go...' She moves to get up but you grab her by her wrist and pull her down.

You cup her cheek. Wiping away a tear with your thumb.

'I love you...Nat... and this is a setback.. and it broke my heart but I also now understand that this was way back, when you weren't even interested in being the hero, and lets be honest I made some pretty bad life choices myself...so...it's not fair to judge you on yours...' Hé lean in and place your lips against hers.

Soon the very innocent kiss turns into a passionate one, you straddle her as her hands remain on your hips.

'No, no stop I don't wanna... I don't wanna take advantage of this... I want to go back to the way things were but...I don't want to push you into doing this...' Nat rambles.

'Okay..okay...' you nod. 'So...you're still staying here right?'

She smirks before she tugs you closer again. 'I won't ever leave...'

'I'll hold you to that...'

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