Bubbles and heat 💧 Steve (request+smut)

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song: The Bleachers - rollercoaster.

imagine; Steve and you break into Tony's jacuzzi to have some quality time

this if for my girl @221bssociopath, because she can't handle a jacuzzi after we had a conversation about how it would be to just "do it" in one.

Little context for ya: I recently got a jacuzzi and it's amazing, and when we Skyped, we somehow landed ourselves in a conversation about a jacuzzi and doing it one so as a surprise..I'm throwing her under the bus so enjoy!

Don't be mad at me... 🥺

'Stevieeeeee..' you coo as you walk into the kitchen. The shared kitchen.

'Morning beautiful...' he pecks your lips before sipping his coffee.

You smirk at him and he starts to get a little nerveus. Previous memories show that whenever you get that look on your face, you're up to no good. Which means that you will probably drag him into something he probably will get in trouble for, mainly because he will always take the blame. Even when you don't ask him to, he feels obligated to take the fall because he doesn't want you to feel bad.

'Oh no...no no no, I know that look, whatever you're about to say will get us in trouble...I don't like this look...'

'Oh shut up, you love it... anyway, just hear me out...' you lean on the counter of the kitchen island. 'If you won't agree then this will never be brought up again but I'm gonna need to you to think about it...' you rattle and he lets out a chuckle.

'Just spit it out y/n...' he smiles at you, leaning on the counter himself.

'Well I've been thinking...we both have been very tense and haven't had a day that we can just relax together... so... How about...' you move around the kitchen counter.

'We...' you drag out as you fiddle with his tie.

'Could sneak into Tony's Jacuzzi...and just relax together for a bit, alone...without the team trying to interrupt us...or boring meetings...briefings...I can finally have you all to myself for once...' you purr.

'As good as that sounds...we can't sneak into Tony's stuff y/n...' he replies, and the smile on your face falters.

You pout as you let go of his tie. You let out a sigh as you step away from him.

'Y/n don't be like that, c'mon...'

'No no...it's fine...you have fun at your meeting today while I'll be here doing nothing whatsoever... with nothing to look forward to...' you exaggerate.

'Y/n, doll, come on...' he chuckles as he pulls your arm.

'I just want some time with you without one of them ruining it... I love living here, I do but...we always get interrupted, even in the middle of the night...I just want you to myself for once is that too much to ask from my boyfriend?' You mutter fiddling with your fingers this time.

'It's not too much to ask but y/n...were gonna get in trouble if we do that, you know it...'

'No its fine Steve...' you try to push him away so you can storm off like a child.

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