You came back for me 💧 Steve

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Song: The Neighbourhood - flawless.

Imagine; Steve keeps talking about having kids, you can't have them because of this rare condition, you tell him.

'Now that the world is safe...again...sort of...why don't we start trying?'

'Start trying what?' You ask playing dumb.

You understand what he's trying to refer to, the thing that will make him complete, that would be the last piece of the puzzle he calls the "perfect picture".

'To have a kid, maybe two...' he wraps his arms around you and you push yourself out of his grip again.

'Steve...' you sigh as you walk to the other side of the room.

'Hey what's wrong?, did I..did I do something?' He asks.

It's those eyes, it really is, It's like strangling the little mermaid with a bicycle chain. If he thinks he did something wrong or when he's heard, well then it's the last time she would see Prince Erik for sure.

'No, you're perfect!, that what makes this so hard!, Steve I do want children trust me...I really do, really badly too but...I can't..'

'Why not?' He asks coming closer.

'I...I'm physically incapable of having children... and I wanted to tell you sooner but then Thanos came and.. we lost people and I just couldn't-' tears fill your yes bur you blink rapidly, making them go away.

'So you're telling me that.. all this time I could've...' his voice dies when he realises what he's about to say.

Emotions race through his body from rage to sadness to guilt to whatever he comes up with next.

'Could've what...' you reply to him, the hurt evident in your voice. 'Could've what Steve...'

'I could've had someone who could actually give me children...' he finishes.

'Then go... be with someone else... maybe go back in time to Peggy, she can surely give you children...'

'You know what maybe I will..' he spits and you frown at him. 'At least she wouldn't keep secrets like this...'

'Steve you can't be serious?!, do you know how hard it is to even get through to yourself?, that the one thing you're supposed to do, you can't?. And all you can talk about is trying to have them and I...'

'You what y/n?!'

'I know that I can't, that my body won't be able to... and that I will lose you because of it!, I felt guilty, still do because you're the best thing to ever happen to me... and I just can't lose you.. but I guess you're  more than willing to lose me...'

He stays quiet, he stands up but doesn't say a word, he just moves past you and not a second later you hear the door slam.

You were expecting a surprising reaction but you didn't expect him to be mad at you for something you can't even fix. Not to mention that you stood by him every step of the way and now that you need him... he just leaves and slams the door behind him.

You slowly drag yourself to the bedroom and you take out your phone, dialling Nat's number. A few seconds later she picks up.

You try to speak up but you can't even get anything out before you start sobbing on the phone, that's a signal for her to come over to your apartment.

A few minutes pass before a knock on the door echoes through the house. The door opens and Nat walks in, closing it behind her and moving straight to your bedroom to find you laying down.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now