Daddy's babysit duty 💧 Bucky (request)

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Song: Lana Del Rey - stargirl interlude.

Imagine; you're in a mission meaning that Bucky has to take care of your 7 year old daughter, one night she is troubled by nightmares so he comforts her.

'Are you sure you're okay with this?'

'Y/n I know how to take care of my own daughter...' Bucky sighs.

'I know that but-'

'We will be fine...and you will be late...' he comments as he lets go off you.

'Natalie...I'll be back soon okay?' You crouch down and she wraps her arms around you.

'Okay...' she simply replies as you kiss her head.

'You listen to daddy okay?, behave...'

'She will behave..' Bucky smiles.

'I was talking to you...' you chuckle and his smile drops for a moment and turns into a pout while Natalie giggles.

'When am I ever known for not behaving...' he huffs as he crosses his arms.

You glance at your nine year old daughter and raise your eyes brows.

'Okay point made, have fun mommy bye!' He picks Natalie up as he waves you goodbye.

You shake your head with a smile as you peck his lips before walking to the jet. You sit down next to Nat, the person your daughter is named after.

'It's hard...isn't it?'

'Yeah she's never taken it so hard...she bawled her eyes out last night, I just hope she'll forget me a minute and have fun with her dad...'

'Wasn't talking about your daughter y/n...I know leaving her for the first mission in years is hard for you..' she lays a hand on your shoulder.

'I just hope she will be alright..'

'She will, Buck is an amazing father, he's like a terminator when it comes to her...she will be okay...and so will he...they will be here when you get back...'

'Yeah...' you smile as you let out a soft sigh.

They will be okay.

(Four days later)

Bucky just got of the phone with you when he heard this agonising scream coming from his daughters room. He at first thinks she's getting attacked by an intruder, but when he opens the door, he finds her squirming and thrashing in her bed.

Her eyes are still closed but her face is scrunched up, she's having a really bad dream.

'Mommy no!' She rasps out.

Bucky freezes, in all the time he was training, he was never prepared to se who's little girl so terrified and him...

'Please mommy!, don't go!' She yells before her eyes force themselves open.

They dart around the room before landing on Bucky. He immediately goes over to the bed while tears stream down her small face.

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