"Bucky" 💧 Steve

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Song: Peppermint OST -  you have to wake up now.

Imagine; when Wanda mind controls you while helping Ultron, you keep repeating Bucky's name and it makes Steve angry.

'Everyone alright?' Steve asks as you're all walking through the ship.

'Yeah yeah I'm...' you speak, but Wanda is too fast for you to stop her, so she uses her magic to get into your memories and worst fear and mess things up in your head.

'Y/n...come in...' Steve says listening carefully for any sign of you being okay.

You want to scratch your hears off. You want the high pitches tone to stop because it frying your brains at this point.

'AAAAH!' You yell as you collapse onto your knees while clutching your head.

'Y/n!, y/n!' Steve yells over and over again as he rushes around to find you.

The ringing stops, it stays quiet for a few moments before you get the feeling you can't breathe. Your vision gets clouded with black spots as you struggle to breathe.

You fall to the ground just as Steve runs around the corner. He goes down on one knee as he keeps your head from falling on the ground.

'Y/n...hey stay here with me Okay?' He asks but he already lost it from your lack of oxygen trying to put you under.

'Guys she needs medical attention...' Steve then looks at your eyes and sees a red glow in the coloured part.

'Bucky?' You ask as you walk into the almost empty apartment.

You recently met up with him after two years of trying to find him. You're helping him deal with the memories coming back, you decided against telling Steve, you wanted to tell him when Bucky was making progress.

'Buck?' You ask again when there is no answer.

As you walk further into the apartment, you notice the lights are off and the temperature is about the same inside as it is out, which isn't really that big off a deal considering that both you and Bucky like the room colder than every other person on earth.

After both falling off of that train and being captured by Hydra, you got separated, he was used as a weapon, you were used as a toy. both of you had the serum, both of you liked the cold because it both soothes you, but something about this feels off. Your brother is not the one to hide away from you.

So you walk on while calling out to him. You search every room until the only room left is the bathroom.

The door is slightly opened, enough to let a string of light fall into the bedroom attached to it.

'James?' You ask pushing open the door.

'JAMES!' You yell as you kneel besides his shaking body.

'No...what did you do?!, BUCK WHAT DID YOU DO?!' You yell as you try to get his attention.

You look around, trying to find out what he did to himself and then you see a small bottle of morphine standing on the edge of the bathtub.

'NO!, you can't leave me behind I won't let you...c'mon!' You yell trying your best to save him.

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