Lowkey GF 💧 Natasha (request)

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song: Flo Milli - in the party.

imagine: You're Natasha's girlfriend ever since you two were with the KGB, you didn't become an assassin but a street racer, Natasha one day drags the avengers, who don'y know you're her girlfriend, to a street race.

Requested by marvellover9505

Your outfit (you're covered in tattoos btw)

Your outfit (you're covered in tattoos btw)

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'Any particular reason you wanted us here tonight Romanoff?, I have work...' Tony groans over the engines of the many cars lined up.

'You can have a night off, and besides, this is fun!, it's relaxing to see them race...' she grins as she watches you walk over to your car.

You look around and spot her, you wink at her before entering the car and she chuckles when you fire up the engine and let it roar a few times.

After you both had to make a decision, you chose for the free life, street racing. Natasha chose assassin, but you don't let that keep you from dating her.

You don't see each other as much as any other couple but that doesn't mean you grow apart, it actually makes you stronger.

After she became an avenger, you started seeing each other more often, and now you might even be ready to pop the big question but first, you have to win this race.

'You know her Romanoff?' Wanda stand next to Nat with a smirk plastered on her face.

Nat leans in and whispers something in her ear, making Wanda chuckle and squeal out of excitement. 'Really?' She asks and Natasha nods.

'Okay everyone, race is about to start!, everyone to your marks!'

'I'm gonna crush you y/l/n!' Jerry yells and you flick him off.

You roll your eyes as you put the hand uh just flicked him off with on the steering wheel.

The girl that usually drops the rag slowly walks in front of the cars. She tries too hard honestly, but hey you're not complaining since it gives you and advantage every damn time.

'Hey y/n!, if I win do I get you as my price?, I'll buy you dinner..real nice date...'

You chuckle before answering him. 'Sorry sugar, I'm taken...'

'Get ready!'

You roll up your window and lightly tap the gas with your foot as you watch the girl like a hawk. The moment she drops that rag you punch the gas, shifting gears before taking the first turn.

'She has a nice car...' Wanda comments to Nat.

'That's not the only thing nice in her though...you wouldn't expect it but she's very kind and caring actually...'

'I'd love to meet her...I like her already...' Wanda grins. 'And she's amazing...it's like watching the fast and the furious...'

'Only better...here she comes...' Nat smiles when she sees your car coming their way.

Jerry's car follows and to her big surprise, he almost drives you off of the track, he could've caused on accident, and the smirk on his face suggests he did it on purpose.

'Wow that guy could've killed her...' Steve's eyes are big. Clearly not used to this kind of environment.

'Uh Oh...well I guess I have to go and pick her up once the race is over...one more thing about her, she's kind and caring...until you screw her over...' Nat grins proudly.

'How many more laps Nat?' Tony asks.

'Just one more after this one...'

The race has come to an end, of course you came in first. At first glance, you look happy, but of course Nat is the only person on this planet who could see the murderous thoughts behind it.

'What the fuck man?!, you could've killed me back there!' You swing open the door and immediately turn to Jerry.

'If you guys would excuse me, I have to drop her from hurting Jerry...I'll be right back..' Nat smiles leaving the team except Wanda totally clueless.

You punch Jerry in the face and he stumbles back while reaching for his face. You want to launch again but you feel someone holding you back.

'Y/n, sweetheart calm down...' Nat coos and you slowly stop resisting and you even let her drag you away from a whining Jerry.

'Hey baby..' you smile, finally paying attention to her. 'Finally you come to watch me again...and you brought your work with you..'

'They're also friends...who I'd like you to meet...' she whispers in your ear as she wraps your arms around you.

'Only because I love you..' you reply before pecking her lips.

She chuckles as she pulls you with her to the small group of people, they clearly don't belong here, anyone could tell.

'Guys, this is y/n, my girlfriend...' she introduces you and you smile at everyone.

'Hi...' you speak up.

Then the team starts firing questions at you and Nat about your relationship and about the races and your past.

A while back you wouldn't have been able to handle all of this but right now?, with Nat standing next to you? You could take on the world.

Sounds cheesy.. doesn't make it any less true

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