Adopted 💧 Stony + Peter

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Song: Tyler Bates and Joel Richard - dear John.

Imagine; Steve and Tony adopt you after finding you in one of orphanages filled, you speak a little English but not much, it's mostly Russian. You're happy to be there but Peter, who is now your brother, isn't too happy about it.

Your clothes:

A/n: please check out phloein 's book for me if you can!

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A/n: please check out phloein 's book for me if you can!

'Okay so...this is where we's not in a normal neighbourhood, but it's'll have your own room and bathroom..completely designed by your liking...' Tony says and you smile at him.

'Thank you...' you reply with a thick Russian accent.

'Are you excited to meet your brother?, I'm sure he will be here soon since he just texted me he is on his way...'

'Yes, I always wanted a big brother...'

'Well then you're gonna love him...' Steve chuckles as he wraps an arm around you.

'Just like we will love you now that you're officially ours..' Tony smiles at you and you chuckle.

After being held captive by Hydra and watching your mother get killed just because you didn't obey, you finally have a family again and you're safe from all the horror you've gone through.

Then a car pulls up, it drags you away from your thoughts. You smile when you see a boy behind the wheel, short and dark brown hair. He looks like a nice boy which makes you even more nervous.

You've never had a real brother before and you're afraid he's not going to like you. Which clearly doesn't go unnoticed by both parents at this point.

'It's gonna be alright...try to calm your nerves...' Tony lays a hand on your shoulder.

'Hey dad!, hey other dad!' Peter chirps as he gets out of the car.

'Peter, we wanted to introduce your new sister to you...this is y/n...' Steve smiles proudly but Peters smile fades away when his eyes lock with yours.

His face hardens as he closes the car door and swings his bag over his shoulder.

'Hi...' he says uninterested as he walks by and straight into the compound.

You stand there speechless. And you're not the only one, you see that once you dare to look up to your new dads. They're both standing there wide eyed.

'I'll go see what's wrong...' Steve speaks up and Tony nods.

'He's not always like that...he'll come around...' Tony tries to comfort you but it's really not of any use.

Weeks have gone by now and still Peter doesn't want to have anything to do with you. At school some bullies pick on you but he turns a blind eye to them. He just lets them have their way. And at home he's even more distant, he refuses to even speak to you and it hurts.

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