Reach out and touch 💧 Bucky

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Song: Troy Sivan - touch.

Imagine; Bucky is still a bit cautious with people touching him, so you agreed to only hold onto his metal arm at night. (It will explain itself)

When you and Bucky started dating he was cautious, he always was and always will be, so at first you wouldn't even dare to sleep in the same bed.

He was scared he would hurt you, which was something you understood and respected since last time you lost control, you did some shit too that isn't really on the "nice-list" either.

Then after a few weeks Bucky really wanted to sleep together and that was fine by you, even if he kept his distance you would always respect that.

First it was a wall of pillows in between you and then after some time he just wanted more contact, so you both agreed that you would only hold his metal arm, he wouldn't be able to feel it much, but it was a step into the right direction.

So now you're both laying in bed, tired from the previous mission, all you would like to do is wrap his arms around you but like you always do, you respect his choice, so you wrap your arms around his metal one and just try to get comfortable. You close your eyes and within seconds you're off to sleep.

Bucky looks at you soundly asleep next to him, god he wants to wrap you in his arms so bad but he agreed together with you that some space would be the best. Who is he to just go over that boundary you two set together?

He will talk about it with you, tomorrow. That's what he has been saying to himself for over a week, but he can never bring himself to do it. He can hear the desperate calls for help, even if they're deep down in your throat and they're just Sounds you make from having a nightmare, he hears them.

You both have been through something similar, only he has a word that makes everything stop, that makes him shut down immediately like some kitchen device. You don't have that word and you literally have to be tied down and sedated until you calm down again.

Every time he hears those strangled sounds coming from you he wants to hold you, just so you can feel safe again. He's ready, he knows he is....

The sunlight comes through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the cold room. No alarms, no sounds coming from outside, just the sunlight peeking through the window and you and Bucky mingled together.

You let out a happy sigh as you try to release your arms from what you though was Bucky's metal arm. But then you feel no metal under you, you feel his metal arm wrapped around your back.

Your breathing speeds up when you finally process what's happening here, you overslept his boundary and now you're wrapped in his arms. You push yourself out of his arms and he startled by your sudden movement.

'Y/n...hey...what's wrong?' He asks confused when he sees the panicked look on your face.

' was an accident...I...I'm so happened in my sleep...' you stutter.

'What did?' He asks still a bit sleepy.

'I..I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have done that...I shouldn't have...' you try to breath but you feel so awful about doing it that you can't even seem to catch your breath properly.

'Y/n I don't understand...' he slides out of bed and makes his way over to you.

'I wrapped myself around you in my sleep and that's not what we agreed on...I broke your trust...'

'I wrapped my arms around you my sleep...'

'Well I don't mind but you do and-'

'Stop Okay..' he interrupts you as he comes closer.

'I...I was gonna tell you I want to be more intimate but I didn't know if you'd want that...y/n you didn't do anything I didn't want you to do...'

'Why didn't you just say so?' You ask confused.

'Because you act like I'm the only hurt by them which is not the case here, I can tell you're not completely comfortable with some things and...well I thought this would be one of them...' he explains as he gets closer and closer.

'Well now that we're talking about it, what else are you comfortable with now?' You ask and he grins before leaning forward and locking his lips with yours.

'Oh I am definitely in for that too..' you chuckle and he laughs.

'Let's get back to bed before Steve bursts through the door for our morning run...'

'Like i would ever let you leave the bed after what just happened..' you chuckle.

'Whatever you say doll...' he coos.

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