Two ways pt. 2 💧 Bucky/Loki

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Song: Seekae - test and recognise (Flume Remix)

Just a reminder, you all asked for this...

You eye him from where you're standing, but Loki's eyes are not on you, instead he is glaring at Bucky, not even bothered by the fact the blood is dripping down his hand.

'Loki...' you try to stop him from walking away again, but just like a couple minutes ago, you fail.

'Y/n..' Bucky grabs your attention, you turn your head, he sees the shock and pain in your eyes.

'I'm sorry Buck, I have to go after him...'

'Go... I'll see you later doll...' he nods at you and you shoot him a quick smile.

He hates to see Loki that way, he never meant any harm and you made your choice, and he won't let you stay even if you wanted to because your friendship with Loki is important to you. And if it's important to you then it's important to him too.

You rush after Loki, not knowing which direction he went, that is until you hear a door slam. You run towards his room, knocking, no banging, on his door.

'Loki please let me explain...' you speak up. 'Please...'

You can hear him on the other side of the door, you can hear he's in pain. It worries you even more.

'Loki Open the door...' you demand, the door to your surprise opening.

You go in, the door closing behind you. You look around the now trashed room, he must've raged out after you told him. You turn around to see a very broken Loki standing there. Clutching his still blood dripping hand.

'Let me help...' you move towards him but he flinched away.

He's shutting you out, it's not something you haven't experienced before, but it still hurts to see him in pain. He shuts people out when they hurt him, so you get the message loud and clear.

'Loki...please...' you plead but he won't budge, only moving away from you when you try to close in on him.

'What are you even doing here?' He asks, his voice hoarse.

'You rushes out of there with blood dripping from your hand and I'm supposed to let you?' You reply.

'Why do you even care?, matter of fact, why did you care about me before?'

'Are you serious?,'re my friend, my best friend... there's nobody I care about more...'

He scoffs as you sit down with him on the foot of his bed. You look at his hand, the wound already closing up.

'Loki I mean it...'

'Then why did you choose Barnes over me?!' He slightly raises his voice, making you feel like you have to defend yourself. 'I never chose him over you Loki you know that!' Tears fills your eyes and Loki sees.

'I could never choose a friend over someone I love okay?, you'll always be my number one...and that exactly why I don't share the same feelings, because then it would mean that I don't have a best friend anymore...I know that sounds confusing and weird mean so much to me and I hate to lose you...especially over something like this...I'm sorry Loki...I really am...'

'No you're not...' He coldly replies. 'You're just like any other person, you strong me along and then you drop me just as easy...please just go...'

'If that's really what you think of me then fine, I'll go...but just remember all the times I stood by you, all the times I put my ass on the line...for you...I'm sorry I don't share the same feeling okay?, but I can't control that...and you know it...' you stand up and without another word you walk out.

You walk past the party, glancing at all the people still dancing and having fun. You glance at Bucky who's talking to Steve and Sam. That is until he sees you. He moves past his friends to reach you but you already walk away.

'Y/n wait...what happened?' Bucky asks pulling your arm, spinning you around for you to bury your face into his chest.

'I think...I think I just lost my best friend...'

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