No daughter of mine 💧Tony/Peter (request)

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Song:  5 seconds of summer - not in the same way.

Imagine: you and Harry (Osborn) Like each other, you're dating much to Peters dismay. Tony finds out and tries to keep you and Harry apart, he doesn't want his daughter dating an Osborn.

Peter always dreamed of having you the way Harry Osborn does. He can't stand to watch them together, it makes Peter sick.

He has been fawning over you ever since you were children, but so did Harry, always a constant battle for your love and affection, a battle which Harry has won, with ease, as Peter assured himself.

'Hey kid, what's wrong?' Tony asks when he sees Peter blankly staring at his work.

'Nothing..' he replies nonchalant, which he is not good at by the way.

'It's not nothing, come on Parker spit it out...'

'It's y/n...'

'What about my daughter?' He asks laying down his tools to fully turn to Peter.

'She's too busy for me now that she's dating Harry..'


Peter nods and Tony's face hardens at the name. He hates the Osborne with every fiver in his body, especially that playboy of a son.

'And I've been trying to ask her out on a date since forever but like I said she's too busy for me...'

'You're the only one she's allowed to talk to let alone date, no daughter of mine will ever date an Osborn ... thank you for bringing it to my notice...'

'Uh, you're welcome mister Stark...'

Uh oh.

'Hey dad!' You happily greet him with a kiss on the cheek before walking on.

'Where have you been?' He asks, by the way he says it you can tell he's not happy.

Usually you know when you're about to get a good scolding from him, and usually you deserve it, but you have no clue what you did this time to make him mad.

'Out...' you really weren't lying, technically.

You don't want to tell him about you and Harry, mainly because he despises him, the Osborns in general. But they're really nice once you get to know them.

'Because I had a very annoyed and sad Peter here this afternoon saying that you don't really have enough time for him, because you're busy with someone else...'

That little shot told him everything when he swore he wouldn't. Oh you're going to kill him for sure this time.

'Oh and you're his therapist slash dad now?, he's not my only friend ya know...and by the way why am I even discussing this with you?'

'You're dating Harry Osborn!' He slams his fist on the table and you roll your eyes.

'Here we go...' you sigh as you watch him stand up. 'Dad come on!, he's a good guy!'

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