Medieval 💧 Wanda/Vision (request)

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Song: Coldplay - atlas.

Imagine: you and Wanda are twins and you end up finding Vision in the woods.

(Medieval AU)

Your dress and cloak:

Your dress and cloak:

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You stare over the large, frozen lake. Its cold and the wind is slicing your cheeks, and yet you enjoy the peace and quiet that come with Winter.

Everyone has trouble getting through the stone cold winters here, many die from hypothermia or the lack of food.

But you and Wanda, the outsiders of the village, always have enough food to go by and your house is always warm and cozy.

Even without your parents you two are pretty good at surviving on your own. It's always been you two and it will always be you two together.

At least that is what you thought...

(A couple days ago)

'Wanda?, are you home?' You ask closing the door behind you.

'I'm in here!' She yells back, it's coming from the kitchen.

You unclip your cloak and you carefully lay it down over the small wooden table in the hallway.

You make your way over to the kitchen, noticing small red dots on the floor as you go.

'Is everything alright?' You ask, your eyes still on the blooded floor.

You stop in your tracks when you look up only to find Wanda hovering over a complete stranger. She's stitching his shoulder.

'What are you doing?' You ask crossing her arms.

'I'm helping this man I found in the woods...'

'Does this man have a name?' You look at him and he raises his head slightly.

'My name is Vision...'

'All done...' Wanda smiles as she lays her equipment away. She hands him a shirt and he puts it on.

'Odd name if I might say so..' you reply rather defensive.

You do not like strangers, last time a stranger came into your house and attacked you in your sleep, you had to use your powers and almost exposed yourself, you may be a real witch, but getting burned is not the ideal way to spend your afternoon.

'Can I talk to you for a second?' Wanda asks rushing towards you.

'What, it's an odd name..' you protest as she pulls you with her.

'Y/n, can you please for once not be so rude?, this man is hurt and he needs my help...'

'He is not a stray cat Wanda!, what if people find out..we are two seconds away from being thrown on a stake!, we can't risk this!' You hiss.

'Y/n, this isn't...listen..he is from the future...'

'Okay so he's mentally you have any more good news?'

'No y/n, he truly is from the future, go ask him yourself, you have this thing to tell if someone is lying, try it, you will find out that we need to help him get back to his time...'

You glance at the man sitting in the kitchen, you see how fast he actually heals now that Wanda stitched him up and your eyes go big.

'I told you...'

'And how are we supposed to help him Wanda?' You ask still looking at the now smooth skin where the stitches used to be.

'Maybe you could use your magic...'

'And let the whole town see?, I do not think so...'

'There has to be a way...' Wanda gives you the eyes she uses to beg for things and she knows you can't say no.

'Alright...we will help this man go back to his own time...'

'So what we need to do is-' you get interrupted by a knock on the door.

You slowly rise out of your seat and you move to the door while signalling Wanda and Vision to hide.

You walk up to the door and you carefully open it.

'Hello there...' you smile politely at the strange but large man standing in front of it.

'Hi...I think you have a friend of mine in here and I would very much like him back...'

'Just me and my sister man...' you lean against the door frame.

'I'm pretty sure he's here because my tracker says he is...oh of course you don't know what that is...I can see where my friend is...'

'You should be careful with that...they might end up burning you for witchcraft...especially on my doorstep...'

'Hmm...I like you already...'

'Mr. Stark...finally...' Vision says and he pulls open the door.

'I can where to get you, seems we have a little malfunction but nothing I can fix in a day or two...'

'Then I guess you can come in before anyone else sees you...' you invite him in before shutting the door and locking it.

'So there's a witch hunt going on?' The man asks.

'Yes...anything can make you end up on that pile of wood these days...'

'So are you one?'

'A witch?, of course...' you reply.

'I'm starting to like you even more now...I'm Tony...'


After two days of Tony fixing the device and you helping him with that, he finally got it right.

And then the village slowly started to notice strange things happening in your house. The night before Tony and Vision would leaving also was the night before the town would come for you and Wanda.

So Wanda came up with an idea, a crazy one at that, both you and her would travel back with Tony and Vision to their time, you would stay there.

So there you are, staring over that lake. For the last time you might add. You will leave this place behind and you will go to another time. A time where things are better.

You have to adjust to a lot of things, but at least you have your sister Wanda with you, and two new friends, one maybe even more than friends.

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