The falcon project 💧 Steve/Sam (request)

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Song: St. Vincent - the antidote.

Imagine; you and Steve are engaged and the only one who knows you even exist is Sam because you both were part of the Falcon project, but when the guys are in trouble, he calls you.

It's been a pretty stressful day, life is really testing you and you can't wait for this day to be over. You just want to go on this nice dinner date you have planned with Steve at some fancy restaurant to just try and relax.

But somehow you're not the only person having bad luck today, because you're not even home 5 minutes and you get a call from Sam.

'What's up?' You ask as you put your stuff down on the kitchen table.

'Yeah hi, we're in a bit of trouble, could you maybe come help us out?' Sam cuts right to the chase and you roll your eyes as you rush up the stairs to your bedroom.

'You're kidding right?, you guys are the're supposed to handle this on your own...'

'You kiss your mother with that mouth?' Sam's reply is sassy and it's just like the ones you're used to.

'Yes and Steve too..' you pull open your closet and you move the hangers away from the safe you have hidden in there.

You type in the code and a secret door opens, revealing your weapons and your old suit.

'Where are you ?' You ask as you pull out the suit. (Above chapter).

After Sam gave you the location you end the call and out on your suit before stepping outside.

'Still fits..' you smile at the old suit.

You move to the middle of the street and you start running until you finally push yourself off of the ground and fly up into the air.

'Woohoo!' You howl as you feel the wind rush through your hair.

You missed being up in the air and flying with the suit, after they shut down the project, you hadn't gotten a single chance to actually use it for it's true purpose.

As you're looking down you remember what it was to test this thing, the rush you felt when it worked for the first time, the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you're so high up in the air.

'You called her right?' Steve asks out of breath from fighting off the big guys.

'Yeah I called your girl...don't be so nervous Steve, she'll show up...'

'His girl?' Tony asks confused and Steve rolls his eyes.

'That's why-' he starts.

He gets interrupted when you arrive kicking two guys in the ribs before twisting and doing a superherolanding while pulling in your wings.

You run to the next victim and you go into a hand to hand combat, within three moves you've got him floored.

Then two more follow, you've got them down in just the same amount of time before you feel something grazing your arm.

You hiss as you put your wings out again to shield yourself from the bullets. You run up to a car and jump up, spreading them and shooting straight to the man firing at you.

You land behind him and you sock him in the jaw, making him stumble back and fall from the small building.

Steve can't help but smile at his girl kicking ass, he's incredibly proud but most importantly, he can relax because he knows that anyone who is to touch you in the wrong way, gets send straight into the hospital.

You stand on the edge of the roof looking over the group. You look at Steve who has this ridiculously handsome grin plastered on his face.

You sink at him before taking a dive and flying right up to Steve, pulling in your wings just in time as you hit the ground.

'Okay, I've got a few questions...' Tony comments and you chuckle.


'One, Who are you?, two, how did you learn to fight like that?, and three, are you single?'

'One, I'm Y/n, two...I was Sam's partner on the Falcon project, so he thought me most things and three...I'm engaged...' you chuckle as you keep staring at Steve.

'Okay well, I'm gonna go back to the jet...if you want you can have a ride...'

'Sure sounds good...' you nod as you walk with the team.

'So How was your day doll?' Steve asks nonchalant.

'God it was awful!, I just had the worst day in history!, I'm glad we're going to dinner tonight because I could seriously use something to cheer me up right now...' you start to ramble and Steve puts his arm around you.

'I could cheer you up right now, or at least try...' he smirks and you playfully slap his chest.

He spins you so his body is blocking the teams view of you to and then he leans down, capturing your lips in a kiss.

'Okay that works..' you smile.

'You Okay there sweetheart?' He asks with concern washing over him when he sees some blood tickling down your arm.

'Yeah, just a flesh wound...'

'Wait a second!, you just told me you're engaged and now you two are kissing?!' Tony yells and Steve looks like a reindeer caught in headlights and it's too funny.

'Yes!, they are engaged Tony!, you're supposed to be a genius remember!' Sam comments.

'Well this just proves the opposite...' Natasha comments.

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