💧Star Wars one shot pt. 2 💧

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Song: John Williams - the last Jedi.

My Star Wars book is up btw if you wanna check it out, if you have a request please dm me, doesn't matter if it's about marvel or Star Wars. Hell maybe I'll even do Supernatural if you want me to.

'Y/n... something has happened to Supreme Leader Snoke...' one of the generals comes running into your quarters.

You turn around and he starts explaining what's going on. 'Kylo Ren brought Rey to him, but then he betrayed us and killed Supreme Leader Snoke...'

'I thought I sensed the light side on this ship... let nobody in or out...' you grab your lightsaber.

'And Do not let anybody near the throne room... I don't want anybody interfering...' you order and he nods.

You move out of your own quarters and rush to the throne room, you see the doors are opened.

You can sense the strong force of the light side, you can feel it trying to pull you in, but after what you're about to see, you have no intention of going to them.

'So you have actually done it...' the amusement in your tone is something you won't even try to hide.

'It's about time you showed yourself... trouble on the way here?' Kylo responds and you just let out a laugh.

'You know what I said a few weeks ago, it got you all sweaty... you also know the promise I made to you that day...'

'The girl hasn't pulled me to the light side... I wanted to become supreme leader and now I will..'

'Do you honestly expect me to believe that, we both know you're lying...' you drag out the last word while a smirk creeps onto your face.

'You won't win..' The girl chimes in.

'Oh it speaks...' you scoff as you turn on your fire orange saber.

'I told you I'd drive a saber through that good little heart of yours.. and that's exactly what I will do...unless...'

'Unless what?' Kylo asks holding onto the lightsaber tighter but not turning it on just yet.

'Kill the girl... prove to me what you couldn't to Supreme Leader Snoke... kill her and I will let you off the hook...'

He turns on his lightsaber and that gives you the answer you expected, he isn't going to kill her to prove anything, he already killed his own father, and her light side is too powerful.

'That's what I thought...' you lift your lightsaber and you hit his one.

He lifts it just in time to catch yours before it would split him in half. You pull it back and swing at him, again and again until he's visibly beginning to pant.

Then Rey grabs her own lightsaber and charges at you, only to be greeted by your hand which blasts her away, against the wall.

You walk over to her, the smirk still glued to your face like it has been throughout the entire battle.

'You're the last Jedi...the girl that everyone has been talking about... well now that Snoke is dead, I've got nothing to worry about...I can just go ahead and kill you myself and nobody will stop me...' you push the saber close enough to her that she can feel the heat radiating off of it.

'Y/n stop!' You can hear Kylo in the distance but you refuse to listen.

'Y/n STOP!' He yells and still you keep looking at Rey.

'Y/N KENOBI STOP THIS!' He screams out and you can see Rey's eyes widening at the statement.

'I. Hate. That. Name!' You let go off Rey and she falls to the floor.

You turn around and you feel something being pushed through you. You gulp as you feel Kylo's lightsaber being pulled out.

You sink to your knees as you clutch your stomach, you then look up to Kylo as you fall to the side. Your eyes still open wide.

Rey crawls up and rushes to stand across from Kylo, she looks down at your now still body, your lightsaber still glowing besides you.

'Now that she's gone... I'm Supreme Leader... Rey join me...' he states and she shakes her head slightly.

'I can't...'

'You're still holding on to the past!, LET GO!' He orders but she runs away with Kylo following her.

You can still hear them, you can't move but you can still hear, see and feel them.

'Don't you worry my child...'  Snoke's voice rings through your head.

'Supreme Leader Snoke?' You ask confused.

'I know your confusion, and all will be explained once you reach Exegol.. '  its a different voice one you've heard before but can't quite place.

'But first you'll need to use the force to heal yourself, you're strong, lay your hand on the wound and do it, then meet me on Exegol, you know where to find it, you've been there before...'

You lay down on your back, you slowly move your arm to the place the lightsaber pierced through you. The moving hurts like hell, but you've been through worse.

You take a deep breath and you close your eyes as you feel the force slowly healing the wound from the inside.

You let out a scream of pain as your body rematches itself. Your breathing speeds up and your throat goes raw from screaming at this point.

'That's it my dear.... now go and find me on Exegol, we have a lot to talk about...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now