You're late 💧 Peter

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Song: Coldplay - Atlas.

Imagine; you and Peter have been dating for a couple months, you're supposed to meet at the movie theatre but after waiting for over two hours, he doesn't show up.

One year of being in a relationship with Peter Parker and you couldn't feel happier.

He was sweet and kind but also had this funny side to him, which could cheer you up on the bad days, and you've had a few of those over the year, but he was always there.

What also helped keep up the relationship was your love for comics and for franchises like Star Wars.

You were both fanatics when it came to Star Wars, once you got to the subject, there would be endless discussions but also endless theories being tied together by the two of you.

So it was no surprise that Peter suggested to go to the new Star Wars in the theatre,  "The Rise Of Skywalker". You were more than thrilled to say the least.

But now that you're standing here, in the cold winter air, with a dress and heels, your makeup all done and your jacket very thin, you regret that decision more and more every minute.

Of course the movie started about an hour ago, now you were just waiting for him to get there so that you can at least get a reason for not being there out of him.

Peter of course feels bad, he left his phone at home and oh, you don't know he's Spider-Man. You wouldn't believe it if he told you.

'God I'm so sorry y/n...' he breathes as he watches you from the roof of the theatre.

You're trying to stay warm but you end up feeling even more cold than you already felt.

Peter can see the sadness written all over you. And god does he feel like the shittiest boyfriend ever. He wants to put you first but he just can't, not when there are lives at stake here.

'Kid?' Tony asks.

'Yeah...' he hums.

'Robbery on 6th avenue...'

'On it.....I'm sorry y/n...' he says before stringing a web to the other building.

You see Spiderman swing by, and you take it as a sign to go home, your eyes full of tears.

Peter has been trying to reach you for days, but you don't feel like talking to him.

You stood there for more than two hours, waiting for him to show up and he didn't, that angered and hurt you more than anything ever could.

'You should get out of bed honey... get some fresh air maybe?, you've got the apartment to yourself for a couple days, maybe you should come out of that room?' Your mother says and you shake your head as you turn around in your bed.

'Okay... well... your father and I are leaving, we will be back in a few days, try to eat something...for me...please?'

'Fine...' you snap.

'We love you...' she leans over and kisses your head.

'Love you too..' you reply grumpy and you hear the door close, and then the front door a couple seconds later. 

You slide out of bed and make your way to the kitchen, you follow your mothers advice to get out and eat something, you have been locked up in your room for most of the time so she's got a point.

'Y/n...' Peter says standing in the middle of the living room.

You quickly turn around and your eyes widen when you see Peter actually standing in the middle of the living room.

'How did you get in?' You ask.

'Your mom let me in...she told me how you're doing and I just... Ive been trying to reach you non stop and I started to worry myself...'

'You shouldn't should've worried about me when I was waiting two hours in the cold air with nothing but a thin jacket...'

'I know and I'm sorry but something...came up...' he tried his best to explain but also keep his identity hidden.

'And you didn't even bother to text me?, I mean Peter come on... I would've understood if you would've texted me..'

'I left my phone at home I'm sorry...I never meant to make you wait there...I never meant to hurt you... I never meant to leave you there all dressed up in that pretty dress with the flowers on it...'

'You...How did you know I was wearing that one?, you couldn't have known unless, unless you were there...' your voice dies off as you clasp a hand over your mouth.

Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, he just made it even worse for himself.

'I can explain.. I swear... just let me explain...' he tries to reason with you, but when he wants to get close to you, you keep stepping back.

'Stop Peter.. Peter please just stop and get out...'

'No y/n, please I can explain..' he begs.

'Peter go away!'

'I'm Spider-Man!' He yells and you frown at him.

'Okay now you're just making stuff up...'

'No I swear y/n....' he swallows as he reaches into his backpack and pulls out the Spider-Man mask. 'I couldn't come that night because I had to save the city... and I wanted to text you but I left my phone at home and-' he rattles.

You leap forward and wrap your arms around him just as you kiss him softly.

'I..uh... I...uh.. I wasn't...I wasn't expecting... that...' he stutters and you chuckle while tear stream down your face.

'I'm sorry y/n...please forgive me..'

'It's okay...' you chuckle as you wrap your arms around him even tighter.

'I'm so in love both you and I want to be with you much longer...much...much...longer...'

'Is that a promise Mister Parker?' You ask.

'You bet ya...'

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