Black Swan 💧 Bucky (request)

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song: Ramin Djawadi - home (from game of thrones s7)

imagine: Hydra shoots you when you're performing Swan Lake.

Your dress:

Your dress:

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Performing was everything for you, just to be able to free your mind and your body by doing something you loved.

You weren't an avenger anymore, not for a while, but since you and Bucky are living together they still considered you family.

You couldn't take the stress, the countless times you almost died and saw the others almost get themselves killed, you couldn't take the images stuck in your mind, so you stuck with dancing. Preferably Tchaikovsky.

So it was no surprise to the team that tonight you were performing Swan Lake in front of a big audience.

And boy are you good at dancing, most day the best in the business, you hardly ever believe their words but it's true.

'I'm nervous...' you mutter as you look past the curtain to the large crowd and the team sitting right in the middle.

'You'll do amazing always do this, you say you're nervous and then you completely nail it...'

'I don't know I feel like something is different tonight...'

'You'll Do Great don't worry...' he smiles and pecks your lips.

You chuckle once you see the red lipstick on his lips. He gives you some last encouragement before leaving to get seated in the large theatre.

'You got this y/n...' you take a deep breath.

There's this one man in the crowd, he's acting strange and your instincts tell you something is wrong. But you brush it off. It's just the anxiety of performing, or so you think.

Bucky and the rest of the team are all too caught up to notice, especially Bucky. He watched everything with pride and a huge smile plastered on his face.

It amazes you sometimes how proud he is off you, even when he's not so proud of himself. He never lets you feel like you're less than perfect.

Okay y/n focus, this is the last part, you have to go out with a bang.

You run up through the middle of the stage and the moment you make the jump, the strange man in the front row stands up and points a gun to you. But you don't see it, you're too focussed.

Bucky shoots out of his seat and leaps towards the man, trying to tackle him before he fires the shot. He's too late.

The man pulls the trigger hitting you directly in the stomach. You stumble and fall off of the stage as people start rushing out, screaming and yelling.

Bucky catches you before you hit the ground as the team goes after the man.

A red spot forms where the bullet hit, the blood seeping through the thin white fabric of the dress and your fingers.

Bucky holds onto your body as he sinks to his knees. He carefully lays you down. Trying to keep you from losing consciousness. You try your best to breathe, but the pain makes it almost impossible.

'Y/n..y/n...hey hey stay with me Okay?' Bucky's voice sounds so distant, so far away while he's right there by your side.

'Buck...hurts...' you choke out.

'I know baby doll I know, trust me I just have to stay here Okay?, don't close your eyes..'

'Tired..' you wheeze.

'You can rest later okay?, I promise, you need to hang on okay?, medics are on their way...'

You raise a hand to his cheek and you can see the worry and anxiety in his eyes, tears of complete panic running down his cheeks.

'I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I should've seen it sooner...I should've-'

You shake your head, 'not your fault...' you choke out.

'I Love you...' you breathe out and a small fraction of a smile can be spotted on Bucky's lips.

'I love you too, more than you know...'

You already know the paramedics won't make it in time, the exhaustion is already taking over, the pain subsiding for numbness.

He leans in and kisses your lips which at first you define, but then your heart stops, a couple seconds later your body goes limp, your breathing stops. Everything stops.

Bucky feels you going limp in his arms, you're not kissing back anymore and when he leans back he sees the dullness in your eyes. Your lips slightly agape still.

'No y/n!, NO PLEASE!, NO!' He repeats for what seems like hours. Rocking you back and forth.

'Buck the medics are here but they can't reach her!' Natasha yells through the now empty theatre.

'It's too late...' he sniffs.

Natasha runs up to him when she doesn't get a reply and Bucky doesn't move either.

'No...' Nat clasps a hand over her mouth when she sees your lifeless body, tears run down her face now and soon the rest of the team will have the same expression.

Now comes the hardest part, for Bucky. He scoops you up and silently makes his way outside to where the medics are parked.

Every step sounds like a bomb going off in Bucky's ears, everything moves in slow motion. He doesn't dare to look down, he's not able to look at you.

He can't see the way your arms swing with every step, as does your hair. You become heavier in his arms.

The weight still there even when they take you away from him. He just stands there, watching them try to save you.

He knows it won't work, not this time. This time you're really gone.

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