Stark? 💧 Tony/Peter

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Song: No doubt - just a girl.

Imagine; Tony, your dad never wanted you to be the next iron man, but when Peter is in trouble you decide it's best to follow in his footsteps so your little sister doesn't have to when she grows up.

(10 years ago) 

'Okay I'm gonna test the suit now...' Tony says to his teen sitting at one of the large tables in his lab.

'Yeah whatever...' you wave him off as you're working on your own little project in the corner of his lab.

'Wow I wonder where you got that mentality from..' he mutters already blaming himself for giving that to you.

After a while of hearing metal pieces fly around and at the same time Tony yelling for JARVIS to slow down, you finally look up to see him standing in his superheropose, making you roll your eyes.

'You're a showoff you know that?' You comment.

'Of course I know that...I know everything....I'm the best...'

Right then a back-piece hits him in the back and he stumbles over, the metal all falling apart, leaving him on the floor both confused and pouting.

You on the other hand are doubling over in laughter, the tears rolling down your cheeks.

'Very funny y/n..' he groans as he gets up.

'You need a nurse to come pick you from the ground?, ALERT A SENIOR CITIZEN HAS FALLEN AND CAN'T GET UP!' You yell laughing. (I don't even know if this vine excited in 2013 but just roll with it...)

'What are you even making?' 

'It's a surprise so don't come near me...' you reply turning back to your work.

You're making special glasses for him to put his technology in, he needs to feel a little bit safer and you think this might help, but it needs to stay a surprise.

He quietly walks around the lab, he thinks you won't hear him but you do, you move away every time he gets close to seeing it and after a while he gets tired of it.

'You know I hate surprises...'

'You know I don't give a damn...'

'Ah giving me the ultimate teenager behaviour I see...'

'You know what I should give myself to protect me from you?, like the little spray bottle they use to punish cats...'

'You get that randomness from your mom...'

'She won't agree to that...'

'I don't give a-'

'Tony..' she clears her throat behind him and he almost jumps.

'Hey honey...' he says high pitches and you scoff.

'Uhuh, you're gonna finish that sentence dad almighty?'

Pepper laughs as she puts a hand on your shoulder. 'If he's smart, he won't...'

'When is dad ever known for being smart though...'

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