The Hunger Games -> revolution (pt.9)

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Song: Hailee Steinfeld - afterlife.

It all started when Coraline came back here and got her own separate bed, she started getting scared more often. She started developing nightmares about what she saw happening on the tv before everything went black.

Then it starts, her body starts to shake, some noises escape her throat that give away that she's having another nightmare.

Then she gasps, sitting upright with her breathing fast and shallow. She cries out for you, immediately waking you up.

'Mommy!' She starts to cry out over and over again.

You rush to her room and yank open the door. You move over to her bed and sit down as you pull her into your arms.

'It's okay baby...I'm right're okay...mommy's here...' you can feel her shake out of both fear and the heavy sobbing.

It breaks your heart to see her this way, she's so young and this is exactly what you didn't want for her, the endless night terrors, the crying every night, even the fear of going to bed.

'Mommy...mommy...' she repeats slowly calming down.

'Shhh shhh, it's okay...mommy's right here...' you rock her back and forth.

You look at the doorway and see Bucky standing there watching in defeat. He knows that what he saw must've hit Coraline like a truck, but he didn't figure it would be this bad.

Coraline moves so she can fully wrap her arms and legs around you. She buries her face into your neck as she is now fully calmed down again.

'I'll make something for her..' Bucky says and you nod.

'You were...'

'I know baby...but I'm okay see?, I'm okay...' you hold her up when you stand and you walk to the kitchen part where Bucky is already fixing her some hot cocoa to make her feel better.

'Buck...I'm not leaving her like this...'

'I know that's why I'm going alone with a couple other you can stay case something comes up and we have to stay longer than planned...'

You nod as you look at your daughter sleeping soundly in your bed. It's obviously the only place she seems to feel at peace at the moment.

'So when are you leaving?' You ask.

'Tomorrow evening, it's better to go at night, they won't see us coming then...'

You nod again as you cross your arms, he can see the pain everything brings you but you keep pushing yourself to go on.

'Hey...' he softly says as his hands come up your sides and settle on your waist.

'In and out...that's all it's gonna be...don't worry about me okay?'

He moves his hand under your chin and moves it up so your eyes lock with his.

'How long are we going to be able to keep this up?, both me and Coraline have trouble sleeping and living with the constant fear of the Capitol finding out isn't really helping...'

'We're going to bring him down to his knees y/n...were going to get him for what he did to us...for what he did to everyone...pinky promise...'

He sticks up his pinky and you wrap yours around it.

'Pinky swear...' you smile as you uncross your arms.

He then proceeds to cup your cheek and pull you against him. He leans down and connects his lips with yours into a passionate kiss.

'I'm sorry I...' he pulls back.

You stop him from stepping away by placing a hand behind his neck and another on his shoulder, you yank him into another kiss.

He again tightens his grip and you gasp when you feel the wall colliding with your back.

'We can't..' you stop him when he wants to pull you up.

'Trust me I want to..really bad...but we can't...' you breathe out glancing at the bed with Coraline still asleep.

'I guess it's kissing all night instead then..' he grins at you.

'Just come back okay?'

'I will...I promise...just like you promised Cora you'd be back from the second games...and look at you, you're standing right here in front of me...looking very kissable...' he whispers, careful not to wake her.

'Why did you apologise just now?'

'I...I feel like this is my fault...your nightmares and hers, if I hadn't stayed away for so long none of this would've happened...'

'James...' you catch his attention by using his birthname.

You only use it when you're incredibly serious or when you're in trouble and you need his help.

'None of this is your fault okay?, you did what you had to do...and those nightmares...well they were bound to come up when we were picked for the games...'

'I love you...' he smiles.

'I love you move your ass to the bed so we can get some sleep..' you pat his chest and he chuckles at you.

'Mommy?, daddy?' Coraline asks as she sits up rubbing her eyes.

'We're coming Doll..' Bucky smiles at her and he slides under the covers with you following on the other side of Coraline, caging her in.

'You're not leaving me right?' She asks sleepy.

'Staying right here doll...' Bucky hums.

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