Hard love 💧 Tony

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Song: Lauv - Sad Anymore.

Imagine; I have no idea how to put this here so I'll just write it.

You were going to tell him before he went on that damn jet, but of course security wouldn't let you pass so easily.

After hearing Tony actually liked you back and has liked you for over 4 years, you needed to tell him you liked him back.

But now, a week later, you haven't heard a single thing from the message you asked them to send to Tony. So you figured he didn't get it. But instead of being sad about it, you decide to wait for him at the landing deck, with flowers and all, ready to spill your feelings.

You get more nervous when the jet lands, but you keep up your smile as the door opens, revealing Steve, Bucky and Sam.

'Hey y/n..' Steve smiles at you.

'Hey there...' you smile.

'Listen I know what you're here to do but..'

'But what?' You ask when you see the look on his face change into something among the lines of worried and sorry.

'Steve What's-' you start but then your gaze lands on Tony walking out.

He's followed by a woman, a new team member maybe?, but then the woman links arms and kisses his cheek and your heart sinks.

'We tried to contact Nat...but the signal was weak so we couldn't...I'm so sorry y/n...'

'No..no it's fine...' you try to remain strong but deep down you want to break down crying.

'I uh...I forgot I had to do something...here...make sure Tony gets it...' you shove the flowers in Steves hand before bolting.

'Where is y/n going?' Tony asks confused as he watches you leave.

'She forgot she had to do something...' Bucky replies.

You got to know the new girl, her name is Annie, and she's really nice, when Tony is around, when he's gone she turns into a literal bitch, but you're afraid that if you tell Tony, he will think that you're just saying it because you're jealous.

You wish Tony all the happiness in the world, but seeing them all happy just makes you jealous. You know you shouldn't be jealous, but you are.

But most of all you're hurt, and of course the team tries to cheer you up, he'll they're throwing a party just to get your mind away from the whole issue, but you know eventually it will pop up and you'll be sobbing again.

And the fact that Annie says horrible things to you doesn't really help either, of course she picked up on your sadness, women always do see each other's pain. But you know how much she means to Tony, so you keep your mouth shut.

Suddenly there's a loud bang, the smell of smoke and the heat of a fire spreads across the hall. Everyone rushes out of the living room to check.

You're already there when Tony runs out, coughing from the heavy smoke coming from inside his lab now. The large flames fill the room.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now