Family is everything 💧 avengers (request)

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Song:  Post Malone - leave.

Imagine: nobody has time for you.

'Does anybody want to-' - 'no'

'Maybe we can all-' - 'no'

'What if we-' - 'no time sorry'

That's how it's been going for weeks, you ask the team to do something fun with you, you're a teenager, you don't have powers and they don't let you train yet, so all you want to do is just do something fun with your family.

But everyone is busy, of course. At first you understood but then it started to seem like they didn't even want to hang out with you. They didn't take you to those evenings where they go to a bar, you're not old enough to drink but that doesn't mean you don't want to go.

They do all kinds of stuff together, okay some things you don't even want to do, but still. An invitation would be nice once in a while.

Even today nobody is paying attention to you. Not even when you've been trying to get their attention the whole day. But all you get are irritated no's and go away's.

Even from Peter, he just blows you off too, he usually is the one person that always wants to do stuff with you but even now he sends you away robbie on your own.

'Nothing personal kid', my ass.

You just curse and curse over and over again about the family who was supposed to look after you now that you're hanging by a chain in some abandoned building.

'When they come for you, they'll walk right into a trap...' the villain says with a huge smirk and you give him a cold glare.

'What makes you think that they will show up?, they don't care about me...' you reply.

'Oh really?'

'You're wasting your time, might as well kill me because there's no way they even notice I'm gone...'

'That's sad...' he says and you nod.

' least someone cares about how I feel...well...apart from the chains tied around my wrists right now...'

'Well I'm still a person, with feelings...' the villain says.

Right then the door falls down on the ground and the team bursts in to save the day, only earning an eye roll from you when they strike the bad guy down.

You try to keep yourself together as they release you from the chains, you try to keep yourself from crying, apparently they only care about you when you're captured.

'Y/n are you okay?' Tony asks as you're rubbing the red marks on your wrist.

'Hah, like you care...good one...' you brush past him and all the others.

'We just saved your ass, you're welcome...' Steve cuts in but you keep on walking, through the exit and right outside.

'Y/n wait up!, hey!' Peter yells after you and he grabs your arm but you shake him loose.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now