Shy demond and forward angel 💧 Bucky.

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Song: Hailee Steinfeld - afterlife

Imagine: you're a demon and Bucky is an angel, he gets a chance to go back to heaven again, but that would mean you will die, this is an AU

I'm sorry for not posting so long I've been really busy but here ya go!

I'm making more parts so don't freak out.

You stand there, blood splatters all over your clothes and face, but it's not yours.

'Damn, blood really looks good on you...' Bucky smirks when you come into the apartment.

'Thanks... they were waiting for me outside... and shouldn't be swearing... you're a holy creature...or supposed to be...' you chuckle as he slowly walks over to you.

'And you're supposed to foul mouthed and scary but here we are...doll...'

You blush at the nickname, you always do, after two years of running together from both heaven and hell, you still blush at the damn name.

'I love how you're still the shyest demon I've even encountered...' he kisses your lips and you deepen the kiss.

'And I love how you're still the most forward angel I've met...' you chuckle as he keeps kissing your cheeks.

'Buck Wait!, I've got blood all over me!, Stop!' You laugh as you push him off.

'I know I can taste that...demonblood?' He asks and you slap his chest.

'You're disgusting...'

You walk to the bathroom and you can hear Bucky laughing his ass off in the living room. You don't know how you got this lucky.

Demons aren't supposed to love humans, let alone angels, the most holy besides god himself. Of course both heaven and hell didn't agree and have been hunting you ever since, mostly because together you and Bucky are way too powerful.

You change your clothes before checking yourself in the mirror. You change your eyes to their true form as you look at the blood. You take a wet rag and wipe it across your face.

'Don't do that..' you see Bucky standing next to you.

'Do what?' You reply as he takes a few steps closer.

'Look at yourself like you're a horrible person, look at yourself with hatred...'

'I killed my own kind today, again...people I knew... people I once cared about...' you sigh supporting yourself on the sink.

'You wanna know what I see?' He places his hands on your sides and he starts kissing your neck. 'I see... a beautiful and badass woman... with that cute little blush... with a wicked smile.... gorgeous black eyes... and she's all mine...'

'Buck...' you sigh.

'Hmm?' He hums as he continues to kiss down your neck and shoulders.

'Do you think they will ever approve us?' You ask and you can feel him freeze in his tracks.

'Is this what's bothering you?, doll that's not what you should be worried about, of course they won't but they will have to because I'm not going anywhere...'

'I know about heaven...' you say and his face hardens.

'I know they asked you to come back.. why didn't you say anything?' You ask turning around in his hold.

'Because I'm not going...unless they would allow you to come with me I'm not that's why I didn't say anything...'

'You should go...I know how much it means to you to be asked back shouldn't refuse just because they won't let me...'

'I'm not leaving you for them, I'm not leaving you for anyone, if you would be asked back in hell...would you go back?'

Shit. He dropped the question. Yes you would go back, well...maybe?.

You stare at him, you can't even give him the answer he wants to hear. Hell is where all your friends are, you miss Natasha, Wanda and Tony.

You know he wants to hear you say you wouldn't. But the longer you wait to answer his question, the more pain it will inflict within him.

'Y/ wouldn't right?'

You can't look at him, you can feel him slowly let go off you and his arms fall next to his body.

'Oh my would...' he scoffs as you move to the bedroom.

'Y/n...y/n!, you would...wouldn't you!'

You still stay silent and you hear him let out a frustrated sigh.

'This is unbelievable...'

'Well What did you expect me to say Buck?!, I miss my friends okay!, I miss my home...and I'm sure you miss heaven too so don't turn this one me!'

'You want me to go?, you want me to leave so you can live in peace is that it?'

'You're unbelievable....really fucking unbelievable.... if you think that I have any other reason than that I want you to be happy, then you are crazy... I just want you to take this once in a lifetime opportunity... because I know you miss it...'

'You want me to just leave you?, you want me to just go and leave you here all alone?!'

'No of course not but Buck...this is more important than I am...and you should've told me about it!, what are you angry at me for?!' You yell frustrated.

'Well tell me, do you think we should go on then?, because if you don't think we can then I will go to heaven but if you want to go on I will stay...'

You can't answer him, you can't give him the answer you want to give him. You're tired of running and not being able to see his friends, you want him to be happy. You need him to feel happy.

Your eyes fill with tears just as he shakes his head. The hurt is evident on his face and in his body language.

'I'm sorry..' the tears race down your cheeks, but he doesn't seem to care.

Without a word he just brushed past you and seconds later you hear the door slam. You sink to the bed and put your head in your hands as sobs and sniffs fill the room.

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