💧Last of us AU 💧

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Song: Gustavo Santaolalla - all gone.

Enjoy this while I go write w lot of requests, let me know if you want another part of this because I had kind of fun writing this!


I used to think that the infected, the runners and the clickers were the problem in this day and age. I laugh at that naive girl, the girl I used to be.

The real problem of this world aren't fucking infected or the clickers, everything in between. The real problem are the people.

People go insane, don't know what to do and who to trust, they go paranoid over small things. They think every little sign means you got bitten.

I've had my fair share of people trying to kill me or screw me over. I'd rather spend my time alone for that same reason.

Surviving is easier when all by yourself, sure it takes a lot to kill a lot of them on your own. But I can do it. Always have and always will. I am convinced since the only person I ever loved hot taken from me, it's best to not get attached.

I believed I was better off alone.
I've been hiding in this hotel, still has running water and electricity which is a goddamn miracle.

I go into this city down the road everyday, to gather supplies and food. You would think I'd run into hordes of infected and clickers. But it's mainly Scars and WLF trying to kill me.

I heard about other survivors being in the city. I should be careful. You never know who you might run into. Or rather... what you might run into.


An arrow whistles through the sky, one of the Scars of course spotted you. The arrow piercing through your left shoulder.

You yell out before falling to the ground. You quickly push yourself back behind a container.

'Where are you?, I will find you!'

'Shit...' you whisper as you try to keep in your screams of pain. You squeeze your eyes and try to keep breathing as your fingers wrap around the selfmade arrow.

You pull it out in one smooth motion, the blood already tickling down your skin and soaking your shirt.

You look at the entrance of the building across the field. You contemplate if you could make it without too much damage. Your vision is getting more blurry by the second, if you want to survive, you need to move now.

So you push yourself up into a crouching position wait for the gunfire and arrow rain to stop before making a run for it.

As you're running, you feel the bullets and arrows fly past your head. You're almost there, almost.

'Somebody hit her!' WLF...great.

'Come on she's getting away!'

Just as you're about to answer, an arrow goes straight through your right leg, you scream out again as you bust through the door. You close it behind you and quickly block it with the large closet standing around.

You limp your way up the stairs while again trying to keep every sound in, you don't know what to expect.

You reach the upstairs, you stumble through the hallway, trying to find the bathroom so you can nurture the large wound in your shoulder, and the arrow still stuck in your leg.

'Fuck...' you breathe when you find the bathroom.

You sit on top of the toilet looking at the arrow sticking out of it. You once again wrap your fingers around it.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now