💧"Knives out" 💧

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Song: Della Reese - Whatever Lola Wants.

Imagine; okay so this is a little different, this is from the movie Knives Out, so it will contain spoilers. But I wanted to write this because I have this great idea.


⚠️Also spoilers ⚠️

'Call me Ransom it's my middle name...' Hugh says as he steps into the Thrombey residence.

He stops however when he sees you standing in the large hall. He seems surprised but also very intrigued. A mischievous grin forms on his face.

'I thought you swore never to come back here...I specifically remember you yelling it in my face..'

'Oh I wouldn't miss this for the world, trust me...that party was just the start...'

'We'll see about that...because once you've set one foot in that room, you're gonna get slaughtered by them you know that?'

'Oh I do...haven't exactly been nice the last time I was here...but you...well you have a shitload of insults ready...see...I know what you did...and I'm not the only one...' you walk past him, bumping his shoulder in the process.

He still thinks nobody knows about him switching the bottles of the morphine and the other medicine and with that his plan to frame Marta, the nurse. He would get his share of the will his grandfather cut him out of that night at the party, just by simply helping Marta.

Little does he know you're the one who made the suggestion to give everything to Marta. She is the only one who deserves it, she's a good nurse. And you...well you have money enough being a pretty successful lawyer in New York, you don't need to be in the will, but Marta needs the money and a nice house to live in.

'Y/n...' Marta says and you walk over to her with your arms open.

'I'm so sorry for your loss Marta, I knew how much you cared about my grandfather...'

'I'm sorry too for losing your grandfather...' she replies and you both let go before standing next to each other, facing the family who in the meantime started arguing with Ransom.

It always goes this way, they all get together and starts picking each other apart, real family like. The only one not speaking is Nana and sometimes you feel like she's the only sane person in this house besides Marta.

'Definitely eat shit...' Ransom finishes and you roll your eyes before stepping in front of Marta.

'EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!' You yell silencing them.

'Can you for once not fight?!, Harlan is dead and we should be grieving but of course you're busy fighting and pulling Marta right in with you!, what the fuck is wrong with you?!'

'Look who's talking!, you're not exactly mother Mary either here!'

'Really Linda?, really?, I know I'm not a saint but at least I have the decency to keep things for myself...to just have some respect for my dead grandfather...if it really is a suicide...I understand why...'

'Greedy pretending whore you are..' Ransom says and you chuckle as you cross your arms and step closer to him. You bend over to his eye level and you grin at him.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now