Clingy 💧 Steve (request)

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Song: Imagine Dragons - stuck

Imagine; you're a shapeshifter, you shift into a white wolf. Steve finds you and you become attached to him.

You don't remember much from the day you were saved from the hell hole you've been stuck in all your life.

You just remember being lifted off of the ground by a strong man and being brought to a jet.

You remember his smell, you can still hear his heartbeat. The soothing tempo of his breathing.

And now you're laying in a bed, in the middle of an all white room, with clean clothes and your hair finally being able take a hand running through it.

'Y/n, right?' A voice breaks the silence and your head shoots to the direction the voice is coming from.

'I'm Steve Rogers...'

'S' that supposed to mean something to me?' You reply.

He furrows his brows as he walks closer to you. You crawl back on the bed and you growl at him.

'I mean no harm, I just want to know what you were doing in a hydra facility...did you just growl to me?'

'I have been locked up there all my life...they test things on me..'

'What kind of things?'

'Doesn't matter, one truly worked, that's all that mattered to them...that one injection that made me..whatever it is that I am now...'

'What's that?'

'A wolf...well, I can turn into a wolf, I have their instincts, enhanced smell and hearing, sharp teeth, you name it and I have it...wait a're the man that saved me from that place...'

'What gave it away...'

'Your should really shower after saving someone from a shithole...' you joke making him chuckle.

'How are you liking the outside world y/n?' Steve asks and you chuckle while taking a sip of your hot chocolate.

'It's a lot colder...'

'Well its winter now...but it will get warmer I promise...I thought wolves were protected against extreme cold?'

'Yeah well, my wolf form maybe, my human form doesn't like it very much...'

'I hope the hot chocolate helps...'

'It does...' you smile while taking another sip.

In the past months you and Steve have been inseparable, you're always together, doesn't matter if it's doing paperwork or working out, you're always together.

'What I'm curious about though...if I were to throw a stick-'

'End that sentence and I will end this friendship...'

'I'm just curious!' He laughs.

'Funny, if I were to salute would you go "all say can you see" on my ass?'

'You've got to be kidding me...' he shakes his head with a Smile. 'Who told you about that?'

'Bucky did...said you looked real cute doing it too..' you joke and Steve chuckles.

You two walk along through the park and you're the first to speak up again.

'For the record, I wouldn't go after the stick..' you say making you both burst into laughter again.

'I'm a wolf not a dog...' you say earning a few weird looks from the people around you.

'you know, you're adorable...'

'I'm very menacing...I'm not adorable nor cute, I'm fierce and strong and dangerous...'

'Very menacing...' he sarcastically states as he wraps an arm around you.

You growl at him and he chuckles. 'Like I said, adorable..'

You weren't supposed to get attached to anyone or anything, but one human won't hurt right?

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