It's my fault 💧 Steve

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Song: Adele - chasing pavements.

Imagine; you have to make an incredibly tough call, you chose wrong.

'Steve...I have a confession to make...' you lean against the bedroom doorframe and he furrows his brows.

You cross your arms and you bite your lip, trying to hide the excitement. You try to remain serious as Steve slips off of the bed and makes his way over to you.

'What's wrong?' He asks concerned and you start to chuckle, unable to hide your excitement any longer.

'I'm pregnant!' You blurt our and Steve freezes in his tracks.

'Y-y-you're pregnant?' He asks and your smile washes off of your face when you see he's not doing so well taking the news.

'Steve...are you okay?' You ask stepping closer to him.

'I AM GOING TO BE A DAD!' He yells and lifts you up.

He spins you around before putting you back on your feet again. He then proceeds to just kiss your face all over making you squeal out.

'Steve stop it!' You giggle.

'Thank you..thank you...thank you...'

'Don't shoot y/n!, you might hit Steve!'

'I can make the shot!, just let me concentrate!' You reply.

You steady yourself as you put your finger on the trigger.

'Don't do it y/n you're gonna get him killed..'

'He's gonna did if I Don't Tony would you just shut up and let me concentrate?!' You yell.

You breathe in and look through the visor, you can see Steve and you can see the Hydra Leader begins him.

'Y/n DON'T!' Tony suddenly yells making you startle and pull the trigger.

You gasp and you see Steve's body drop to the floor. You pick up the gun again and shoot the Hydra leader before rushing down your hiding spot and into the building.

You fall to the ground next to his body and you turn him over. The bullet went through his shoulder but something seems off. It shouldn't have made him pass out.

'Steve...Steve!' You yell as if you're trying to wake him up.

'C'mon!' You cup his face trying to look for other injuries that might've caused this, but it was the bullet.

'Y/N I TOLD YOU NOT TO SHOOT!' Tony yells but you ignore him.

'C'mon baby..wake up..c'mon..I need you okay?' Tears cloud your vision as you try your best to wake him up.

He opens his eyes and lets out a groan.

'You can't leave me okay?, I need you..what about the baby?'

'Y/n...' he breathes.

'Steve!, Steve!' You repeat over and over again as you help him sit up.

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