Labour 💧 Steve (request)

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Song: Ciara - overdose (Dave Luxe remix)

Imagine; your pregnant and close to your due date when you get taken by Hydra. Your husband Steve comes to save you.

You have no idea how long you've been in Hydras hands, the only thing you know is how painful your stomach has become.

That baby is not reacting very kindly to you stressing out. And with the amount of stress you've been having, that baby is trying to kick his way out.

You're trying to sit as still as possible, every move hurts, making you groan out.

'No need for torture I see...' He grins and you open your eyes.

'Fuck you...' you spit and he just laughs.

'That baby is ours y/n, the minute it's out...we have a new weapon against the avengers...provided my you and the Captain himself...'

'Like think I'm going to let you?'

'Intense stress can make the baby come sooner...just a matter of time sweetheart...'

'He will come looking for me, you know there's no point in hiding...he's way too overprotective...'

'He's not immortal, you know?' His fingers slowly glide past your cheek and you turn your head away.

You get another wave of pain making you cry out.

'You can't stop it y/n, just let the baby out...'

'No!' You yell throwing your head back.

Then there's a loud bang at the door and you hope it's Steve busting in here, because that baby ain't waiting for anyone.

'Y/n!' Steve yells and you sigh in relief.

'I'm here!' You use all your strength to shout, his superhearing should be able to detect it, you hope.

'I told you...he's too overprotective...' you smirk at the man who tied you up.

His face grows pale when he sees Steve enter the room. Steve's shield hits the man and he falls to the ground.

'Hi...' he breathes.

You shoot him a weak smile when he unties you and helps you stand up.

'Can you walk?' He asks.

'Yeah..' you reply and you two leave the room.

Steve lifts his shield to keep you from getting hit and you try your best to keep up.

But then the one thing you feared would happen, actually happens. Your water breaks in the middle of the hallway.

'Really?!, now?!' Steve blurts our frustrated.

'ITS NOT LIKE I CAN CONTROL IT STEVE!' You bark at him before he picks you up.

'Delivery in the Quinjet it is...'

'What no no no!' You whine as he starts running.

'I can't believe you tried to keep the baby in until we were back in the compound...'

'I can't believe you blamed me for when my water broke in the hallway...'

'Touché..' Steve grins holding the little boy.

'I'm glad he didn't get born in that hellhole...I'm glad you came in time...' you lace your fingers with his and smile up at him.

'Did you doubt I would come looking for you?'

'Not one minute...' you chuckle.

'You wanna hold him?'

'I held him for nine months, you can keep holding him if you want...'

The little man open his eyes and stares up at Steve, then suddenly his face scrunches and he starts to cry and you can see the panic on Steve's face.

'Hand him over before you get a heart attack old man..' you joke and when the boy is seated safely in your arms, he turns quiet again. His vibrant blue eyes looking into yours.

'I think we're gonna be in trouble with this one once he gets older, he has that look you give me sometimes, when you make a cheesy joke, or when you're doing something you're not supposed to...'

'Yeah well...I'll just give him my eyebrows of disappointment...'

'No don't!, don't you know how bad those make me feel?' You chuckle.

'Okay fine... Then we will just face that when the time comes...'

'Agreed...' you lay your head against his shoulder.

'Do my eyebrows really have such an effect on people?' He asks and you snort.

'Steve shut up...' you chuckle.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now