You out of all people pt.3 💧 Bucky

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Song: Ruelle - madness.

The necklace:

The necklace:

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They let you keep one thing of your own before locking you up in a cell you surely weren't gonna escape from, you've tried already but there's no way out for you.

You twirl the pendant between your fingers, a gift from Bucky. It wasn't like a normal necklace more like a promise ring sort of thing, but since he wouldn't be able to wear his, he got you a necklace instead.

"It means that no matter how tainted my heart is I will always leave room to love you" or something like that.

It's practically garbage now since he basically broke the promise that you two would love each other unconditionally.

But still you hold onto it, just because it's the only thing you have left. You absentmindedly twirl it around in your fingers, just staring at the wall.

'She's in here...' you hear a muffled voice and you shoot up from the bed and stand in the corner.

'Stand back y/n!' Another muffled voice orders before the door gets blown off of the hinges.

You duck as it flies against the wall and falls next to you on the floor. When the smoke clears from the air you see the one person you were most afraid off.

'Long time no see y/n...have you missed me?' An evil smirk spreads across the commanders face.

' doesn't feel right, something's wrong here...' Natasha comments with her gun raised as she sweeps the halls.

'Its way too quiet, I noticed it too...' Steve replies.

'Buck...what's your status?' He asks and right at that moment someone gets thrown across the hall right in front of Bucky.

He raises his own gun and waits for the other person to come out of the cell. Not a second later you step out panting.

'Y/n...' your name slips out of his mouth before he can even think and it makes you stop in your tracks and look at him.

'What are you doing here?' You ask, it's not annoyance or anger he hears. The tone is genuinely surprised and maybe even a bit worried.

'I'm breaking you out of here, I made a mistake and now I'm here to fix it...' he breathes. 'We don't have much time...'

'Yeah I got that from all the hydra agents roaming the halls...' you reply as he hands you a gun.

'I'm really sorry-'

'Save it....we don't have time for this...' you snap back at him and he nods.

You raise the gun and lead the way, shooting some of the agents that try to get close to you.

'Uh Guys...I don't want to put pressure on you but we have about 45 seconds until we get get your asses over to the jet...' Natasha says.

'We've got to go now...' Bucky comments and you nod following his lead for a change.

You all hurry into the jet and right after it takes off, the prison starts sinking into the ocean again. It's trying to make sure nobody gets out.

'Y/n wait...we need to talk about this...' Bucky follows you through the hallway.

Just keep walking y/n, not here.

'Y/n...' Bucky repeats.

It's not worth it y/n, just keep walking.

'Y/N!' He scolds and it makes both of you stop in your tracks.

'What!' You snap at him as you turn around, the group joined Bucky and everyone is looking at you right now.

'We want to apologise but you keep on walking away...'

'Well maybe I have a reason for that!, maybe I don't want your guys were my family!, and you are the only person I ever loved more than a friend because I was afraid, I finally gave into it because I thought that you would be the one to not break my heart...' You slap him across the face and he snaps his head back at you.

'It was a mistake...'

' know what is a mistake though?, you and me together, being on this team who I considered family, that was a fucking mistake!' 

'Y/n we are so sorry...that's why we came to get you...we just want you back...' Nat speaks up and your head snaps towards her, glaring daggers, no, glaring spears at her.

'Oh really?, Then how come you all were taking his side?, how come you all helped them arrest me!'

'We didn't help him...'

'No you just stood just watched me getting dragged out by SHIELD?'

They stay silent, all looking everywhere but your face. They were so wrong, they could've intervened but neither of them did.

You nod while you start moving back, 'I'll just get my things and go...'

'Y/n you know that if you take a step out there you're not safe!, HYDRA is after you and soon SHIELD will be'd be a fugitive...'

'I'd rather run for the rest of my life than look at you for another second..' you wrap your fingers around the necklace and you pull.

You break it, causing the necklace to come loose. You throw it at Bucky. 'Give that to someone you can actually keep your promises to...'

'Y/n wait!' Bucky calls after you.

But you're not listening anymore, you're done.


Okay so I always have this dilemma at the end of chapters like this because on one side you don't want to forgive them easily (I totally get that) but on the other hand you want a happy ending (which I also get) but it's kinda confusing so... just know that I try my best 😅🥺

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