Nightmare 💧 Tony

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Song: Mr. Kitty - after dark.

Imagine: Tony has sleep paralysis.

It's happening again to him and it frightens you more than you can put into words.

It always starts with his hands starting to shake. Then the sounds, sounds like he's choking, he starts to panic. And there's nothing you can do except pull him through it like always. His breathing speeds up, like he's fighting something.

So you do what you always do. Put your hand over his and tell him he's safe and everything is okay.

' you're gonna be okay...breathe with' you instruct him and he follows your lead.

The look in his eyes completely tearing you to shreds. They're full of fear and panic, where there ones was hope and happiness.

'It will all be over soon I promise...I'm right here with you baby...I'm not leaving...' you kiss his head as you run your hand over his hair, brushing it out of his face.

He slowly stops shaking and he starts moving normally again. He immediately wraps his arms around you and breaks down crying while you rub your hands down his back.

'It's okay's're okay...' you swallow down the lump in your throat.

'I'm gonna put on the light okay?, I'm not gonna be far away...' you gently push him off of you but he grabs your hand like a frightened child.

'Walk with me then...we will put it on together okay?' You ask and he nods.

You walk to the light together and you flip it on, dimly lighting the room before walking back to the large bed.

You both climb in again and Tony lays his head down on your stomach, he's laying in between your legs while you're sitting up against the headboard.

It's silent for a while. It's just you and him, your fingers running through his hair, gently playing with it as he relaxes further and further against your body.

'I'm sorry...'

'I hate when you do that you know...'

'Do what?'

'Apologise for something you can't control, that's a nasty habit of yours and I hate it...' you grin even though your voice is serious.

'I'm keeping you from getting your own sleep...'

'I keep me from my own sleep Tones...there's a lot of shit running through my mind making me not sleep so well don't blame yourself for that...'

'Doesn't this bother you?'

'The only thing that bothers me is that I see in how much pain you kills me to see you looking at me like the way you do when you're having another attack...' you explain as he lifts his head to look at you.

You gently rub your thumb over his cheek. You wipe away some of the tears.

'I couldn't move...I couldn't control my own body...'

'I know baby...'

'I was so scared I...the last one was so long ago...I thought they went away...but the rug just got pulled from under me again...'

'It's not fair I know that...I'll ask Bruce to look into them again okay?'

'I don't wanna go to sleep...'

''re safe with me...nothing is going to happen...I've got you...I'll stay awake okay?'

'I don't wanna go to sleep please...' he begs.

'I'll stay up with you're not alone in this...'

His grip tightens as he lays his head back down and you swallow the lump that starts to appear again. You lay your head back against the headboard.

Something needs to be done, and fast.

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