We're leaving 💧 Bucky.

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Song: Dirty South - the unknown.

Imagine; James used to be abused but still wants you to meet his father, he's nice until he gets drunk, but you won't accept any of his bullshit.

'You should've died together with your mother...'

'You're such a crybaby!'

'I should've let you die that night!, worthless piece of junk!, that's what you are!'

Those words still haunt Bucky real late at night, usually the memories follow with him getting a slap in the face or even a punch in the jaw, which is then follows by some screaming or crying, which makes it worse.

But that was only if his father was drunk, and well his stepmother is one of the nicest women alive, he wants them both to meet you.

The love of his life, the woman helping him get through the night and the day that follows, who loves him unconditionally.

You couldn't possible deny anything Bucky asks of you, even if you wanted to, it's the same this time, sure it took a lot of his effort to convince you. You hadn't even met the man that makes Bucky lay awake at night, but you already held so much hate for George, his father. But he convinced you anyway.

'Ah!, James!, it's so nice to se you again!, how have you been?' Myra, his stepmother asks as she hugs him.

'I would've been much worse if it wasn't for this angel...' he smiles at you and you chuckle.

'Well I wouldn't call myself an angel...' you reply as you turn to Myra.

She goes in for a hug and you don't even hesitate to hug her back, you may hate her husband but you only heard stories of her that imply that she's been nothing but kind to Bucky, she even defended him on more than one occasion.

'I'm y/n...' you smile kindly.

'Myra...but enough formality, let's get inside!' She turns and walks away with you two following her.

'I must say James, I was surprised you'd even come to this family dinner...'

'Hadn't seen you in so long, and I wanted to introduce  y/n to everyone... I mean you guys have been pretty persistent when it comes to her...'

'James!' A female voice yells and you turn your head to see an almost exact copy of him, just in the female version.

'Rebecca...' he breathes as she hugs him.

And then more voices cut in yelling his name, his real name, as if nothing happened, all were glad to see him. And you have to say you weren't expecting such a huge family.

He was the eldest of four, as you found out just now. He has three little sisters, Rebecca, Lilian and Olivia, all looked so alike to James, the resemblance is just uncanny.

'This is y/n...' he takes your hand in his and he squeezes, it's his way of assuring you, knowing how anxious you get in these kind of situations.

'Oh my lord!, finally!' Olivia squeals.

'What's all that noise?' A grumpy old man emerges from the living room.

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