Can't get enough 💧 Peter (request) (smut)

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Song: Foreigner - I want to know what love is.

Imagine; you and Peter can't keep your hands off of each other but you have to sneak around so the others won't find out.

(smut warning, oh god I'm really bad at this) (Girl on the top is you)


'Peter!' You squeal as he pulls you with him into your room.

'I missed you...' he pushes you against the wall as he starts kissing down your neck making you moan out.

'Shit...' you sigh as your nails scratch the back of his neck.

'I'm talking to Fury about those long ass missions of yours...' he says in between kisses.

'Says the man who's out every night fighting crime...'

'Hey I take pride in that...'

'I do too don't worry...' you chuckle before planting a soft, sweet kiss to his lips.

He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to the bed.

He climbs onto the bed and gently lays you down while his tongue explores your mouth.

His hands travel down your body and he yanks your shirt clean off, luckily for him you just showered and are only covered in a shirt and panties.

He stares at you and you start to blush. Of course he has had a fair share in the sight before, but the fact that only he gets to see you like this amazes him every time.

He doesn't want to sneak around when he's got you to stride around with, he wants to show you off so bad but if the team finds out they will definitely try to break you two apart.

'Peter?' You ask as you run your fingers through his brown curls.

'Yeah sorry...' he chuckles awkwardly before he continues kissing down your body. His hands gently kneeling the flesh he encounters.

You moan and sigh, the relaxation finally taking over your stressed body.

'Feel good?' He grins.

'Yeah..But I cant wait any longer...'

He hooks his fingers and slides of your underwear, leaving you naked under him.

'This...' you gesture between a naked you and a fully clothed Peter. 'Isn't fair..'

'Really?, I found it to be more than fair...'

'Peter!' You whine and he laughs at your little pout.

He quickly undressed himself and gets on top of you again, letting you feel him against you.

'You ready?'

'Damnit Peter Do it Or I will...' you groan angry but you get interrupted by him slipping in.

You arch your back and let out a loud whine. It's a bit painful, let's say he's not little at all.

'Tell me when you're okay...' Peter lays his forehead against yours and you nod while catching your breath.

You wait a little longer before you nod and he slowly starts pushing in and out.

'F-faster...' you gasp and he obeys your command.

'Peter?, y/n?, you in here?' You hear Tony.

'Shit!' You say when Peter hits your special spot.

'Everything okay in there?' He asks knocking on the door.

'he'll go away...' Peter whispers in your ear and you glance at him.

'Y-Yeah!' You try to reply to Tony as confident as possible.

'You feel your orgasm approaching and by the way Peter is moving you can't hold it for much longer, you're already clenching down on him and he can feel it.

'Let go...but be careful with your sounds okay?' Peter smirks and you definitely are punching him after this.

Your nails create red marks on his back as you bite on his shoulder to keep you from making a sound, coming completely undone while Tony is on the other side of the unlocked door.

Peter hurries his face in your neck as he comes inside. (Always use protection, even when you're on the pill)

'Shit...good thing you're on the pill...' his chest is heaving and he lets himself drop next to you.

'Yeah no that was totally worth almost getting caught for...' Peter comments with a sly grin on his face.

'Oh yeah totally...' you reply sarcastically.

'I'm gonna get something to clean you up...'

'Thanks...' you smile at him as he walks to the bathroom.

'I'm coming in!' Tony suddenly comments and you quickly pull the covers over you.

'Are you okay?, wait...why is your hair a mess?, are you naked?, what the fuck happened here I thought you were getting murdered...'

'Well I'm not so...bye!' You try to get him out of the room before Peter comes back.

But of course he has to come back before Tony leaves.

'Hey y/n look what I found!' Peter says standing in the doorway with a ridiculous mask on.

You sign him to cut it out but he doesn't see it in time.
He yelps when he sees Tony standing there wide eyes, Peter quickly grabs the mask and pulls it off, placing it in front of his manly bits.

'That's enough millennial crap for two can explain later...' Tony turns away.

'FRIDAY, delete the live security feed please...'


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