I miss you so much 💧 Loki

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Song: Hans Zimmer - Aurora.

Imagine; you lose Loki to Thanos and when you go back in time and see Loki, you lose it.

You'll see a lot if endgame related oneshots because I just watched endgame again and now I'm gonna stick to that because that's how I work. :)

Your costume:

Your costume:

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'Loki don't!' You yell as he goes for Thanos with possibly the smallest knife you have ever seen.

'You should listen to your wife...' Thanos comments as he grabs Loki by the neck.

'No!' You shriek as you get wiped to the side. You scream out in pain as one of the metal pieces slides your side.

'I'm not afraid of you...' he states.

'I can see that, but you're afraid that if you die, you won't be able to protect her from me...so that's exactly what I will do...'

He glances at you, laying on the ground clutching your side while trying to maintain eye contact with him. Your chest is heaving and your breath comes out as a wheeze.

'I will be a god...ruling over every living thing...'

'You will never be...a god...' he chokes out as he takes one last glance at you. You stare at him, this can't be happening, he can't die.

A few second later you hear his neck snap and you scream out, no words just a plain scream, there are no words that could ever describe that feeling.

His body drops as tears fall from your eyes, ever since you met Loki you had one goal and you failed. You were supposed to defend him, protect him just like he did with you. And you failed.

'As for you...y/n...you remember this... remember that you will never be able to stop me...' he turns to you and lifts your chin.

'Because you'll end up just like him...'

'When my time comes I'll take you with me...' you bravely speak.

'We will see about that...' he drops your head again and walks away.

That's the last time you saw Loki alive.

Hoping that it was just another one of his tricks. He would be up and running any day now. He would come from the shadows and surprise you once more, he has done it before and he will do it again.

That's what you've been telling yourself everyday since you and Thor went to the compound on Midgard.

You're staring out of the window, contemplating whatever has been said about this so called time heist they're planning. It would mean that you, Thor and the rodent would have to go to Asgard and retrieve the Aether from Jane.

Thor may or not be ready for that but you're definitely not. The pain from that day, five years ago, is still too great. The memory still plagues you, mainly at night.

'Y/n...' Thor pulls you out of the train of thoughts.

You fiddle with your ring as he stands next to you, watching over the large lake.

'It won't be easy seeing them again...I know that y/n, but I need you... I need you there with me...'

'What if I see him again Thor?, I don't know what I'll do if I see his face...'

'Then we will find out once it happens... but I don't think anything bad will happen once you do, because you're the strongest woman I know... while I drowned everything out with alcoholic drinks you stayed sober, you faced your feelings, so if anyone can do this it's you...'

Tears blur your vision at his words, you miss him, and you didn't even have a chance to say goodbye or how much you love him. You don't even know where he's supposed to go after his life ends.

'You should be able to avenge him, to be able to look Thanos in the eye and say that you thrived, to show him that he can't get you down...'

He's trying to play that card, the card you didn't even know you had, but he's making a pretty decent point.

'Okay...lets do this..'

'Y/n...' Loki's voice seems to have a worried underlining, and how could it not?, you're standing in front of him, to Loki you must seem so different from who you used to be.

'Is anything wrong love?' He asks and you shake your head while tears well up in your eyes.

Your hand travels up to his cheek and he closes his eyes for a moment, trying to read your mind, but you block him, you've never done it before, you promised him but you can't let him see what happens, that was one of the rules.

'You're from the future..'

'How?, I blocked you I-' He silences you by placing his finger against your lips.

'I'm the god of mischief...I know my way around a diversion when I see one..' he smiles and you smile back at him.

'I'm sorry for what my future self will do that will make you so saddened...'

'It's not what you did Loki...it never will be something you did that would make me sad...I'm here to say goodbye, to have some closure and help the people that Thanos took away in my time....I just needed to tell you how much I love you...how much-'

He cuts you off by placing his lips on yours. 'Y/n I already know how much you love me... and let me be the one to say that I love you even more than that...'

'I failed you...'

'You could never fail me y/n...'

'Y/n I got the aether!, we need to leave!' Rocket walks up to you and grabs your hand.

'The sun will shine on us again my love I promise you that!, I LOVE YOU!'

'I LOVE YOU TOO!' You yell back at him before you feel your suit wrapping itself around you.

You finally had the closure you sought, you finally got to let him know how much you love him and you got to have a proper goodbye. One you'd remember on that same day as you laid on the ground.

You laid there tired and waiting for your body to shutdown. People tried to save you, Thor most of all, but you were ready to move on. You had for filled your duty. You had beaten Thanos and snapped your fingers so that the people could be saved.

And now you were waiting, not knowing where you would end up, that was until you heard a very familiar voice call out your name.

'Loki...' you breath with a smile while your eyes become dull and empty.

Your chest stops going up and down and your heart stops beating. You're at peace again. Something you haven't had in years.

'I told you y/n, the sun would shine on us again...' he smiles and you nod at him. 'You did...'

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