Two ways 💧 Bucky + Loki (request)

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Song: Elsa & Emilie - ocean.

Imagine; both Bucky and Loki are fighting for you.

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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It started out cute and funny, the pushing and pulling from both Loki and Bucky whenever you needed help.

Need help with opening the door?, Bucky would just push Loki aside to help you first.

Need help with choosing clothes?, Loki would lock Bucky in his room until you were done.

Need help with taking our enemies?, Bucky would always carry and extra gun not caring about the weight.

Need help with cooking?, Loki would make sure Bucky would be too caught up in something to even think about eating.

And for a while it was fun and adorable, until you decided it was time for the truth, you liked Bucky, you saw Loki as a friend.

[two days ago]

'So glad you decided to come out of that cave you call your room to join us at this party y/n...' Loki jokes.

'Ha ha, very funny...' you smile as you hug him, you can already feel Bucky's jealous eyes burning in your back.

'I'm gonna go say hi to everyone else..I'll see you in a bit...' you smile as you walk over to the corner Bucky is pouting in.

'Hey there stranger...' you smile and he glares at you.

'Buck what's wrong?' You ask crossing your arms.

'Should there be anything wrong?' He asks and you roll your eyes.

'I saw you looking...Buck if something is up just tell me okay?' You smile at him.

'I will, if there would be anything...would you like a drink?, I could g-'

'Come dance y/n!' Loki pulls you by your hand and you shrug at Bucky.

'Maybe later!' You yell at Bucky.

You chuckle as Loki pulls you to the dance floor and you both start dancing. For someone from the 40s he's quite good at dancing like people in the 21 century.

'Y/n...I don't know if you noticed...but I kind off have been trying to flirt with you...I was wondering if-'

'Loki...I'm gonna stop you right there...I..just want to be friends and I can't watch you two fight over me anymore...I love you as a friend...I'm sorry...'

He abruptly lets go off you, you can see his expression change. Nobody around you can see it, but you always did. To the people around you he just becomes uninterested in his expression, but you can see the anger and the hurt beneath.

'Loki Wait...' you grab his wrist but he yanks it loose before storming out of the party, leaving you alone on the dance floor.

You want to go after him but Bucky stops you by taking your hand.

'Let him y/ me he wants space right now...' he explains and you nod.

'So do you maybe want to dance with me?'

A slow song starts playing and you nod at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and laying your head down on his shoulder.

'I feel bad...'

'For what?, telling him the truth?' Bucky asks.

'Yeah...did you see the way he looked at me after I said it?, I feel bad for saying it...'

'He'll come around y/n, just give it time...'

Bucky twirls you around and then proceeds to dip you. His face is inches from yours.

'In the meantime...' he says and cuts himself off by kissing you.

You smile into the kiss, but then when you hear a glass shatter you feel yourself getting pulled right back up.

Both you and Bucky look at the direction of came from and you both see Loki looking at you. He's not hiding his anger anymore.

The glass is piled up in front of his feet and the blood is slowly starting to drip down from his hand.

He's not going to get over this. Ever.

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