Visiting rules mister 💧 Bucky (request)

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Song: One Direction - no control.

Imagine; going over all the rules for Bucky when he visits your family for the first time.

The ride to your parents house upstate is one full of singing to your favourite songs while Bucky just quietly drives with a huge smile on his face while his hand rests on your thigh.

You weren't particularly scared, it simply isn't the right word, maybe nervous?, Yeah nervous, that's what you are about Bucky meeting your family.

'Okay So before we arrive, since we're like 10 minutes away, there are some rules...'

'Really?' He asks, not in an annoyed tone, more out of curiosity.

'Yeah my parents well, they're a bit, ya know, conservative when it comes to relationships and other stuff, and I need you to take this seriously...can you do that?'

'Of course doll... tell em the rules and I will memorise them and follow them until my dying breath!' He exaggerates and you wheeze.

'Okay... so... so no kissing and touching, no swearing and manners at all times...'

'So what you're saying is that I should give up my personality?' He jokes and you playfully slap him.

'I'm joking I'm joking!, I'll take this serious... I promise...' he smiles at you.

'So Bucky...' your father starts up the conversation as you start eating dinner together. 'How did you and y/n meet?' He asks with a small smile.

Right after they met, it's like they become instant best friends, everyone is so happy with him and you couldn't be happier yourself.

'Oh she saved my life, she uh, she took out some hostiles, I fell in love instantly..' he grins and he secretly placed his hand on the inside of your thigh and you smile through your gritted teeth at him.

You try to pry his hand away but his grip only gets stronger,

Strike one, he's definitely up to something and you don't think you like it that much.

'I'm so sorry, I mean we could trade places if you want Buck...'

'No it's okay...don't want my doll to get a sore back...' Bucky sits down on the thin mattress laying on the floor.

Your parents didn't want you and Bucky in the same bed, like said before, they're very conservative when it comes to this.

As you're laying comfortable in your bed, you hear some ruffling and footsteps on the floor and you already know what's going on.

You feel the covers being lifted and someone slides under before dropping it again.

'You're seriously testing those boundaries Barnes...' you whisper as you turn around to see him laying on the pillow.

He wraps his arm around you and pulls you close, laying his chin on top of your head as you get comfortable.

'Oh you know me, I have zero respect for authority...' he whispers back and you silently chuckle at him.

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