Natasha - (2/3 shots)

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Imagine; helping Nat when she's sick for the first time in her life.

'Morning Nat...How did you sleep?' You ask continuing to read in the morning paper, sipping your coffee.

When there's no answer coming from the Russian assassin you look up.

'Everything okay?' You ask and she turns to you.

Her nose is red and her eyes look dull, she looks pale and her stance well, you can see from a mile away that Nat has a serious fever she caught.

'I'm fine...' her nose must be stuffed since her voice sounds like someone is squeezing her nose while talking.

You lay down your newspaper and put down the mug before crossing your arms and giving her "the eyebrow of really".

'I'm fine!, I am, besides I'm going on a mission with Steve and I'm supposed to be getting ready...'

''re obviously're not going...'

'I'm fine y/n...' she replies while she's trying to balance herself.

You shoot out of your chair to assist her and it isn't until she passes out that she finally admits that she's not feeling all that well.

'Let's get you into bed...' you wrap her arm around your neck as you wrap yours around her waist, supporting her until you reach her room and her bed.

You gently lay her down and you lift her covers so she can crawl under. 'You just rest okay?'

'What even is this?, I've never felt this way before..'

'The flu I think... have you never been sick before?' You ask and she shakes her head as you sit down on the bed.

'Just lay here and I'll take care of you, okay?, you're not going anywhere, Steve and Buck can manage without you for once...' you get up again.

'Did you hear yourself just now?'

'Yeah I heard it...that was ridiculous, of course they wouldn't manage without you...' you chuckle.

'How are you feeling?' You ask Natasha as she walks into the living room.

She seems to be better now, after two days of absolute hell, mostly for her, she finally seems to have passed the flu.

'I'm good now...I want to thank you for taking care of me...'

'You're welcome...' you smile.

'One question though....why?, why did you take care of me?'

'Nat...people just do that out of instinct...most people...' you correct yourself.

'Well I found it really sweet...'

'You're welcome..' you reply before inhaling and sneezing.

'You okay y/n? You seem a little pale...' Nat smiles as she helps you up, she can already tell that she passed it to you.

'Let's get you into bed...this time let me take care of you...'

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