Benched like always 💧 avengers (request)

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Song: Ruelle - Madness (I fucking love this song)

Imagine; you always get benched so you start to fight crime on your own until one day the team shows up and ask you to come back.

The body is like a machine, it's got an on and off button, it's got a way in and a back way out. It's got a motherboard, and a whole network that's attached to it. And you well, you're the technician who knows how to control it.

It's been a while since you left the avengers after you were benched for the thousandth time. You left them saying that you were better of fighting crime alone. It hurt them, but it wasn't even close to how much they hurt you by keeping you on the sidelines all the time.

They tried to contact you on a few occasions but you'd never respond, sure they were still friends but you were so done being treated like an extra instead of part of the team.

But what you didn't know is that they are desperate right now, with this new danger to the world, a woman who is known for her skill to cave people by using their worst fears.

It seemed to be similar to yours, yours is controlling people using only your mind, you don't need movements with your arms or hands or even fingers, you just look at the person and they are to your mercy. Something the avengers could really use.

'Y/n this is might want to head up there...she's using the avengers and it's not looking pretty...' Liam, your best friend says through your com.
He is your guy in the chair.

'I think the fuck not... she's not hurting my friends unpunished...'

'Girl you go show her who's in charge...' he replies.

It's a mess, lifeless bodies and pieces of crumbled building are littering the ground.

The even more disturbing thing is that all the eyes of the dead people are clawed out, guess that's what people are willing to do to get rid of what she puts in their heads.

'You think you can stop me?, you?!' The woman screams at the group in front of her you recognise as your former team.

'We can certainly try...' Tony replies.

'Oh how heroic of you...let's see what your worst fear is...' she grins evilly as she raises her hand.

You on the other hand have different plans for this woman, you only have to take a quick look around in her head to know the way to access her body.

So with this lady, you just have to sneak into her brain, find the access points and disconnect them, so you can take full control.

'I hope yours is bad, I like to watch them scream for help.. as you've seen some may even try to blind themselves...' she chuckles waving her hand around to all those lost.

'As for the rest of the team well, you enjoy the little show yourselves, I'm going to show you every fear you have buried, and given that you're the heroes, that must be a lot..' she raises both hands now.

She of course expects something to happen, but whatever her hands were supposed to do, they won't do it. Her body is fighting you, you have to admit that she's powerful, but you're more powerful than her, you can turn her power off like a switch.

'What?!, this cant be happening!' She gasps as she looks at her hands.

'Was something supposed to come out of those hands or something?' Tony grins when he sees you standing behind her.

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