You could never hurt me 💧 Bucky (request) (smut)

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Song: Meg Myers - after you.

Imagine; Bucky turns all Winter Soldier on you.

Just so you know, you know the Russian language in this and everything in bold, is Russian.

Wow what a surprise....

Warning: its kinda..idk it starts of as..well...kind of rape.. so...uhm...

This had to be one of the worst days in Bucky's life, he's convinced that it was a day just to make him lose his mind.

First he overslept, getting a good scolding from Steve for it, then Tony wouldn't stop commenting weird and dirty things. Now normally that wouldn't bother him, but somehow today it did.

Then the mission went south, it took a couple more hours than planned, making you wait for him even longer than he told you.

Then the cherry on top was the long debriefing after, finding you asleep in the large bed. The whole house dark. The table was still set with plates and the food, which is cold now. He totally forgot that it was your anniversary too. He forgot that you've been together for four years exactly. You shouldn't be mad at him over this but you are, because this has been happening every year, you try to plan something nice and he is late.

He walks over to the bathroom and flicks on the light, making sure the door is closed so he won't wake you. The last thing he wants to do is make you even angrier than you probably are already.

He looks at himself in the mirror. He looks at the small bruises on his face, at the little cuts and scratches. He sighs as he hangs his head.

He feels the Winter Soldier fighting to come out from the inside, he has been fighting all day, the more annoyed he gets, the more ground Winter covers inside of him. He's only one push away form it and he can tell.

So he decided to just go to sleep, wait until the morning to make it up to you with some breakfast, hoping that the Winter Soldier will just cool down again.

So he turns off the light and goes back into the bedroom to find your back turned to his side.

He slides under the covers and out of habit he wraps an arm around you, which he doesn't even register until you push it away with a huff.

This sets him off, the Winter Soldier now has a window to crawl out of and take over his body, even if it's just for a moment.

You don't know it, you don't know that whoever is lying next to you right now isn't the same Bucky that stepped in the bed tonight. So when he suddenly and quite harshly grabs your upper arm, you yell at him. 'Ow let go!'

You put on the light by your side of the bed and the moment you turn back to look at him, you freeze.

His chest is heaving and his eyes don't hold that playful spark or any type of emotion anymore. It scares you, you never wanted to admit to Bucky that he sometimes scares you when he's on the verge of becoming the soldier, but he does. Just like now.

Your breath catches in your throat. 'Buck?' You ask with possibly the smallest voice you've ever used.

He doesn't respond, he just stares into your eyes with his cold and hard glare. your shaking hand reaches up to cup his jaw but he grabs it before you can.

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