❤️ Seven-Colored Delicious

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Author's Note: On 12/28/20, this chapter was edited. Someone on AO3 informed me that, due to her allergy, Gwen should not have eaten the tart.

Trey had walked everyone through the process of baking the tart. Gwen stood off to the side, watching. Trey had found her a face mask to wear so she could stay in the kitchen with them. (She didn't need to wear it, but Trey didn't want to take any chances.) "Last, we dust the top with powdered sugar..." Trey instructed.

"Finished!" Grim, Gwen and Ace cheered.

"Finished..." Deuce repeated wearily.

"Did something happen while you were out shopping?" Ace asked in concern.

Gwen giggled. "It's just chick shock." She explained. "Leave him be."

"For sixteen years I believed that..." Deuce said mournfully.

Ace did the smart thing and changed the subject. "Making sweets takes so much time." He yawned. "I'm exhausted."

"Good work~" Cater skipped into the room. "Is the tart finished? The decorations are super cute!" He pulled out his phone. "It's totally magicamgramable! Let me take a pic." He began snapping away.

"Ah!" Ace groaned. "What'd you come here for?"

Cater beamed. "I came to check on my cute underclassmen, working so hard." He laughed. "You look so beat!"

"Things you aren't used to tire you out quick." Trey explained, chuckling as Gwen let out a loud yawn. "So when you're tired you need to eat something sweet. Go ahead and try the mont blanc we made."

"Yay!" Everyone cheered.

"Cater, you did come here just in time to eat the tart!" Ace realized.

Cater smiled as he helped himself to the tart. "You can just think of me as the taste-taster."

"It smells so deliciously sweet." Grim said. "The chestnuts on top are glossy while the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat!"

Gwen sighed. "I'll just have to enjoy it through you Grim." She bemoaned.

All the boys took a bite while Gwen watched on.

"Holy crap!" Ace shouted.

"So good!" Cater moaned.

"Amazing, it's like what you get in stores." Deuce said.

"It's not overly sweet but still has richness to it!" Grim said. "It's like a garden of chestnuts in my mouth!"

"Is that a compliment?" Trey asked.

Gwen sighed again, cursing her allergy. Cater pulled her into a hug. "Aw, poor Gwen-Chan!" Cater cooed. "She can't even enjoy the treats she worked so hard on! Hey, Trey, do the thing!"

"The thing?" Trey asked. Realization flashed on his face. "Aah, that."

"That?" Ace echoed.

"What are your favorite foods?" Trey asked.

"Mine's cherry pie and hamburgers." Ace said, thinking it over.

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