Interlude: A Wishing Well

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"Is someone... singing?" Gwen wondered. She turned around to see a familiar mirror reflecting her confused face. "The Dark Mirror?"

Another reflection joined Gwen's side. "Man in the Magic Mirror." The regal looking woman threw her arms in the air. "Who is the fairest one of all?"

"Probably Vil Schoenheit." Gwen muttered. "The guy's gorgeous."

A face appeared in the Magic Mirror, illuminated by green fire. "What a lovely maid I see." He said. "Lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow."

The regal woman gasped in shock. "Snow White..."

The scene shifted, and Gwen was standing by a wishing well. Right next to her was a very pretty looking young girl, singing into it.

"You must be Snow White." Gwen said.

"We are standing by a wishing well." Snow White sang. "I'm wishing for the one I love to find me."

"I know this song." Gwen gasped.

A young boy walked up to the well stood besides her. "Hello." He greeted.

Snow White jumped back in shock.

"Did I frighten you?" The boy asked, looking apologetic.

Snow White booked it up the stairs, running up to what was clearly her bedroom.

The young boy turned to watch her go. He took a deep breath and swept his hat off his head, holding it to his chest.

"Now that I've found you, hear what I have to say." He began to sing.

Snow White stepped out onto the balcony, peering down at him with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I have but one song, only for you." The boy sang.

"Aw, that's beautiful!" Gwen sighed dreamily. "I'd love it if someone serenaded me."

A flash of purple caught Gwen's eye. She turned to see the regal woman glaring down at the scene, her hands angrily clutching the curtains.

Her cruel expression sent a shiver down Gwen's spine, making her back up into the well.

Gwen ended up tumbling backwards into the well, landing into the inky waters within.


"Oh no..." Gwen cautiously looked around. "Fahim? Jamil?"

Wolves asleep amidst the trees
Bats all a swaying in the breeze

Gwen froze looking around in fear.

But one soul lies anxious wide awake
Fearing no manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
For your dolly Polly sleep has flown
Don't dare let her tremble alone

Footsteps echoed in the quiet, making their way towards her.

Gwen tried to look for the source of the song, but couldn't see anything.

For the witcher, heartless, cold
Paid in coin of gold
He comes he'll go leave naught behind
But heartache and woe
Deep, deep woe

"My sweet little red apple." A voice cooed. "You look so cute, so scared like this. Are you cold? Come into my embrace."

Gwen's eyes widened as she was able to make out a faint outline. "No!"

Birds are silent for the night
Cows turned in as daylight dies
But one soul lies anxious wide awake
Fearing no manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths

"Stay away!" Gwen shouted, turning to run.

The figure booked it to her, wrapping their arms tightly around her. It rested a hand over her eyes.

My dear dolly Polly shut your eyes
Lie still, lie silent, utter no cries
As the witcher, brave and bold
Paid in coin of gold
He'll chop and slice you
Cut and dice you
Eat you up whole
Eat you whole

Gwen squirmed in the figure's grip as the began to sink into the ink.

"Fahim!" She called out. "JAMIL!"


"You want to learn French?"

"Yeah, I wanna be able to sound pretty like you do!"

"How flattering My little birdie! Well then, let's start with the basics. We're going to start with numbers. Repeat after me."

Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf


Gwen jolted awake to someone banging harshly on the door. "Another dream..." She realized. "Where have I seen that regal woman before?"

Gwen rushed to open the door.

"Desert Lily!" The scent of coconut flooded Gwen's nose as Kalim wrapped her up in a tight embrace.

"Kalim?" Gwen looked over his shoulder to see Jamil staring at her worriedly.

"My Diamond." Jamil's hand came up to cup her cheek. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Ah! Jamil, she's shaking!" Kalim cried.

"That's because we're standing outside at night, Kalim." Jamil rolled his eyes, ushering the group inside.

"What happened?" Kalim asked once they were all sitting down. "Jamil woke me up and told me that you needed us."

"Actually, I was trying to sneak out of bed, but you were clinging onto me." Jamil said. "But I did feel like you needed me."

"I had a dream." Gwen admitted.

Kalim gasped. Jamil paled a little, pulling Gwen and Kalim closer.

"Do you know who?" Jamil asked.

"No." Gwen answered. "I don't want to see this happen again."

"It'll be okay." Kalim said comfortingly. "We'll be there to keep you safe."

"Do you need us to stay habibti?" Jamil asked.

"Yes please." Gwen nodded against his chest.

Jamil ushered the group to bed, where Jamil and Kalim immediately wrapped their arms around her.

"Goodnight habibti." Kalim said.

"Goodnight my sun and moon." Gwen smiled, snuggling in between them.

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