Interlude: The King's Sloth

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Gwen was ready for bed. It was late, and she was exhausted. The only thing that stopped her were the ghosts, and Grim.

"Gwen!" Grim cried, jumping into her arms. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Aw, were you worried about me?" Gwen asked.

"Of course! The Great Grim needs his minions in top shape." He replied.

Moe grinned. "We were worried you were about to become a permanent resident of this dorm!" His grin fell. "Please wait a lot longer to do that."

"Okay, don't crowd her." Larry cautioned. "Why don't you head on up to bed? You look dead on your feet."

Gwen nodded. "I will. I need to rest as much as possible before the tournament." Cater had texted her the entire plan.

"Then get to sleep." Curly ushered her up the stairs.

Gwen looked at the mirror before going to bed. "You're so close. I almost, almost remember you."

"What do you mean, Gwen?" Grim asked.

"It's nothing. Let's go to bed."


Gwen was in a cave. In fact, she knew this cave. It was where the christening of the lion cub had happened. But before, it had felt full of life and happiness. Now, it felt bleak and suffocating.

"I smell... dirt?" Gwen looked around the cave. She could see the blue bird from before trapped in a cage made of bones.

"Do stop Zazu, you're bringing the mood down." The King of Beasts lounged on the rocks nearby.

Zazu rolled his eyes. "Oh, I'd never have to do this with Mufasa..."

"What!" The King of Beasts bolted upright. "What did you say! I am the king!"

A hyena slinked into the room. "Hey, boss, we gotta bone to pick with you." He was followed by a female and another male.

"There's no food, no water! And we're starving!" The female hyena complained.

"I don't care." The King of Beasts rolled his eyes. "Ohh, eat Zazu."

Gwen gasped. "Your people are starving and you don't care!? What kind of a king are you!?"

"Things were better under Mufasa." One of the hyenas muttered.

The King of Beasts heard, however. "Hmph, is that so. You're an eyesore! Get out!"

The trio slinked out, one of them cackling like a fool.

Gwen glowered at the lion. "Why would you want to be king if you're not going to take responsibility!? Wait... did you just want the power? You son of a bitch! You hurt people for your own ego!?"

Gwen was so angered by this revelation that she didn't even notice the cave floor melting into the ink. A shriek of surprise slipped past her as she fell.


Gwen landed in the inky abyss. She glared up at the throne, recognizing the figure lounging in it. "Leona."

"My prey." Leona purred. "Life's just not fair, is it?"

"You are a coward and a fool." Gwen spat. "You had to resort to dirty tactics to get rid of me and you used dirty tactics to get ahead. Do you really think you can beat Malleus this way?"

Leona sneered, getting off his throne and marching over to her. He grabbed her throat, just like he did in the botanical garden, but this time he did squeeze. Hard.

"Give your king a kiss, prey, and I'll forgive your insult." Leona purred at her.

Gwen glared at him, clawing at his arms. "Malleus will always be better than you!"

Leona snarled, and slammed her down into the ink. "Then I'll just have to beat it into your head. I'm the king now."


"Wow, this looks like fun! What's this called again, teacher?"

"I said not to call me that! It's the Fortune Festival, a week long affair of fun, food, and whimsy."

"It's really popular, isn't it? Hold onto my hand Gwen, we don't want you to get lost in the crowd."

"This place has gotten a lot of buZz in the years I've been gone."

"Wow! I wanna see everything! Can we stay the whole week, teacher?"

"I said not to call me that!"


"I told mew to watch what mew eat." A voice greeted her as she awoke.

"Che'nya." Gwen's eyes teared up as she turned her head to him. "I'm sorry." She cried.

Che'nya purred as he pulled her into an embrace. "Shh. Oh, Kitty, I should have warned you better. I'm so sorry. Cmon, lets get you to back to bed."

"I'm so tired." Gwen said as Che'nya helped her up the stairs. "I just want all this to end."

"It will. Soon." Che'nya promised, tucking her into bed.


Oh my god, he slipped nuts into her food? Is she okay? Oh, thank god. Hey, don't feel guilty. From what you're telling me, this Leona guy would have done something much crueler to get her out of commission.

Azul, Kalim, Jamil, and Jack, right? Those were the guys who helped her? Remind me to thank them.

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