🦁 Overblot Explained

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Gwen knocked at the Headmaster's door. The four entered. "Headmaster, pardon the intrusion." Deuce said.

"Pardon us." Ace echoed.

Crowley shuffled some paperwork to the side. "You're all here, I see. Let's get right to the matter at hand..." He motioned for the group to come closer. "Now that things have calmed down after the Heartslabuyl incident the other day, there is a matter I must discuss with you. You all need to know about the berserk state Mr. Rosehearts fell into if you are to become wizards."

"It was overblot?" Deuce asked.

"Yes, that's correct." Crowley nodded.

"I've heard about it from my bro before but, seeing someone build up enough blot to become that was something else." Ace said. "He really went full evil berserker mode."

Grim hopped off of Gwen's shoulder and onto Crowley's desk. "Hey, what is blot anyway?"

"That's right." Crowley said, like he had realized something. "You two need that explained as well. I shall fill you all in. For I am gracious." He cleared his throat. "Blot is a type of waste created after one uses magic. In the same way a vehicle creates exhaust as it burns fuel to run. Spells burn magic to manifest, and create blot at the same time. That should be easy enough to understand."

"So blot is the exhaust of magic?" Gwen asked. "That doesn't sound healthy."

"That is correct." Crowley answered. "Blot has been researched since the dawn of recorded history but, there are still many mysteries to unravel. One thing that is known for sure is that blot is a toxin and building up too much can cause great harm to the mind and body."

"Oh, yeah, my grandma used to always say 'You'll build up blot so don't use magic willy nilky'." Ace quoted. "She went on and on about it."

"With great power comes risk." Crowley said. "No matter how great the wizard, they cannot infinitely use magic."

"So you're saying the more we use magic the unhealthier it becomes!?" Grim asked.

"No, that's not exactly right." Crowley shook his head. "Hmm. It might be better to just show you rather than just explain." Crowley stood up. "My dear ghosts, it's time for work!"

A group of ghosts, not the ones from Ramshackle, appeared in the room. "Yo yo. You called, Headmaster."

"Eh? W-what now?" Ace looked confused and worried.

"First, please lend a hand in helping temper these young ones." Crowley instructed.

"Eeh?!" Deuce flinched.

"Here we go." Another ghost cracked his knuckles. "Let's go a round."

"Ready your magical pens everyone." Crowley said, setting a bottle of ink on the desk. "Gwen, you may use your paintbrush if you wish. Your special lesson with the headmaster isn't over yet."


"Oi, headmaster!" Grim snarled after they had fought the ghosts. "Talking about blot and fighting ghosts have nothing to do with each other!"

"Grim, take a good look at the magic crystal around your neck." Crowley suggested, pointing at it.

Grim looked down then shrieked. "There are some weird blotches on my crystal!? I can't wipe them off with my paw!"

"There should be black smudges that look like drops of ink on the crystal." Crowley said. "Those are blots created from using magic."

Gwen looked down at her paintbrush. She didn't have anything on there, the ink had been all used up. So how do I tell if I'm building up blot?

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