❤️ The Lion's Den

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After classes the group met up in front of the botanical garden. Ace handed Gwen the leather gloves. Gwen slid them on. "Perfect. I'm good to go now." She said.

"There's so many chestnuts all over the place!" Grim said. "It's a forest of all you can eat mont blanc!" He floated over to a tree and tried to grab one. "Fgna! The thorns pricked my paw!" He held his paw close to his chest.

"You know,  that's reason number two I wore gloves." Gwen said, picking one with no problem.

"We can't pick them with bare hands." Deuce realized. "It'll also be good to get a basket or something to put them all in."

"The botanical garden probably has whatever we need inside." Ace said.

"Let's go take a look." Deuce agreed.

The four walked inside. "Wow, it's bigger in here than I thought." Ace remarked.

"Oh golly, it's so beautiful!" Gwen said, looking at all the flowers.

"There should be a caretaker of this place." Deuce said. "We should split up and find them."

"I'll go right." Ace said, walking off in that direction.

"And I'll head left." Deuce agreed. "Grin and Gwen, you guys go straight to the back."

The group split up. Grim stayed on Gwen's shoulder as they walked forward, deeper into the gardens. "This place is so pretty Grim." Gwen said.

"Hey, hey, look at this." Grim said. "There's a bunch of fruit! They smell so good!"

"I've never seen some of these fruits before." Gwen said. "Hey! No swiping!" She warned, recognizing the look on Grim's face.

Gwen paused as she stepped on something. Was that a hose? "Oof!"

Gwen froze at the sound. She slowly looked down at the ground. That was a tail. That was a lion's tail! Oh golly!

The bushes besides her rustled, and Gwen turned to look as the boy with lion ear's from the entrance ceremony rose up. "Oi. You've got some nerve stepping on someone's tail without saying anything." He said.

"Are you the caretaker here?" Grim asked. "You seem like an impolite guy."

"Grim please stop talking." Gwen said, frozen in fear.

"I was right in the middle of a nice nap, then you go and walk all over my tail. This sucks." The boy said.

"Sorry!" Gwen apologized. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking!"

He paused, as if just realizing something about her. "You... aren't you that little herbivore girl the mirror said can't use magic?" He asked. He suddenly leaned into her neck sniffing.

Gwen's face turned a bright red. Golly! He's so close! Why is he smelling me?!

He leaned back with a smirk. "Ha. You have a funny scent, herbivore." He shook his head. "I don't feel like taking on a opponent that can't resist."

Grim shivered. "Man, being scrutinized by this guy is making my fur stand on end." He whimpered.

"I, Leona, can't just let you just walk away after stepping on my tail, even if you are a little girl." He said. "I was having such a lovely nap and now I'm just pissed. I'm gonna take a tooth."

Leona's hand wrapped around Gwen's throat. Gwen reacted on pure instinct. SMACK! She slapped him.

Leona blinked, letting go of her neck. "Did you just-"

"Listen here!" Gwen snapped. "I stepped on your tail by accident!! I am sorry I woke you up!" She shouted. "But don't you dare retaliate in such a manner!"

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