🐍 Resist Betterment!

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"Yeah!" Kalim cheered. "I really feel like these incantations are really sticking more than usual!"

Jamil narrowed his eyes.


After breakfast, Azul instructed everyone to change into their gym clothes and head outside.

"Working your body can also help your mind process everything you learned but pushing yourself to the brink will have the opposite effect." Azul said.

"Scrimmage matches are good exercise and also help you relieve stress." Jade added.

"Ah hah, I wanna go wild too!" Floyd cackled. "Someone come fight me."

"Then let's split into teams of five and get started!" Kalim decided.


"Ah ha ha! That was a blast!" Kalim cheered. "And we got to see how our training is paying off."

"Yes, dorm head!" The Scarabia students cheered. Everyone looked much happier.

Gwen frowned, noticing Jamil sighing.

There has to be something I can do! I don't want him to get hurt...


"As we are still growing the most important part of our day is..." Azul had led everyone into the school cafeteria. "That's right, meal time! You have to make sure to get a good balance of nutrients while holding back overstuffing yourself if you want to maintain your performance in the afternoon."

"It is essential to prepare your own food so you know it only what you're eating but also to help support a proper diet." Jade added.

"I wonder if I should cook every now and then?" Kalim said thoughtfully. "Making my own food means I wouldn't have to worry about poison..."

"Give it up, you'll get hurt again." Jamil said.

"Then you're in charge of stirring the pot, Baby Otter." Floyd pulled Kalim away, distracting the boy from Jamil's words.

"Keep a good eye on it so the soup doesn't burn, alright." Jade instructed.

"Hmm!" Kalim had a determined look in his eye. "Gotcha, leave it to me!"

"Okay everyone let's make something delicious for lunch." Jade commanded.

"Yessir!" The Scarabia students looked excited for lunch.

"Jamil!" Gwen rushed over to the boy. "Come help me out!" She begged, taking his hand.

"I... I should really be keeping an eye on Kalim." Jamil said.

"Azul, Jade, and Floyd will keep a good eye on him!" Gwen assured him. "Come on, I haven't been able to have any alone time with you the entire winter break!"

"I... alright then." Jamil smiled at her. "What part of the meal are we cooking?"

Jamil let Gwen tug him along, happy to finally have some time with her. He'd worry about Azul and his sidekicks later.


"Would you look at that, even I can make soup. Ah ha ha!" Kalim laughed.

"All you did was stir the pot you know..." Jamil huffed.

"I think we did a good job, right Jamil?" Gwen asked.

"We did wonderfully." Jamil assured her. "Oh, come here, you have something on your face..."

"Huh? Where?" Gwen asked, trying to feel for it.

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