🍎 Vil's Popularity

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"Hmph." Vil frowned, looking annoyed. "Azul, you sure like to run your mouth. Anything of that level is too run of the mill to be proud of. Could you refrain from over exaggerating?"

"Ahh, speaking of influencers... Vil's not the only one in VDC..." Idia rasped out. "The media lost their minds when they saw the news a few days ago. No wonder they all want in."

The sound of a clacking keyboard echoed from the tablet, showing a news article of the projector.

"Neige LeBlanche?" Riddle read. "Oooh, I do remember seeing an application with that name a few days ago."

"Neige LeBlanche?" Gwen muttered. "Where have I heard that name before?"

"He's a second year coming to represent Royal Sword Academy." Riddle explained.

Vil groaned softly, suddenly looking very annoyed. Only Gwen seemed to notice, however, shooting him a concerned look.

"Ooh." Lilia looked excited. "Neige is currently the number one actor. He's known for his adorable face and naive personality. You can't go a day without seeing his face all over the internet and TV these days. I had no idea he was a student at Royal Sword Academy."

"Sounds like something normies would be into." Idia muttered. "Wait, do you actually watch TV and stuff in Diasomnia?"

Lilia chuckled, looking amused rather than offended. "Obviously. We are high school students as well." He answered. "We watch dramas and play games."

"O-ohhh..." Idia trailed off, sounding surprised. "That's unexpected."

"Mr. Vil Schoenheit and Mr. Neige LeBlanche." Crowley said. "Two of the most popular talents in the world will take to the stage for the Vocal and Dance Championship. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say this is going to be the most watched Vocal and Dance Championship in history."

Crowley turned to Riddle. "Mr. Rosehearts, please be prepared for any and all trouble that may arise during the event."

"Uh, yessir." Riddle nodded. "This is going to be a lot more difficult than I originally thought."

"There is the possibility of the crowds fighting their way to the front and going wild if the management is inept." Azul pointed out. "If  you are at all worried I have no problem lending you my power. I have the know how I gained during the magift interhigh, you see."

No one missed the look that Azul shot in Leona's direction.

Gwen stiffened in Leona's lap as he let go of her and lifted his head from her shoulder to growl deeply at Azul.

"Hey, octopunk... how 'bout I evaporate that loose tongue of yours right out of your mouth?" Leona growled.

Gwen quickly made her way to the safety of Riddle's grasp.

"Oohh, so scary." Azul chuckled, giving a mock shudder.

"Your help is unnecessary, Azul." Riddle wrapped his arms protectively around Gwen, pulling her flush against him. "I have no interest in being in your debt. There's no telling what you'll ask for as payment once everything is said and done. Just worry about the things you're in charge of."

"That's too bad." Azul said, still looking cheerful. "Come to me anytime if you change your mind. I am benevolent enough to help you at anytime."

"Yeah, yeah." Kalim nodded, scooting closer clearly trying to get closer to Gwen. "You can come to us if you're ever in trouble. I'll help you with anything."

Kalim threw his arms in the air, looking excited. "I can't wait for this festival!" He cheered.

"I'm jelly that extroverts can enjoy everything like that." Idia groaned. "I've been racking my brain trying to figure out a way I can do my research presentation without going up on stage. I know that everyone is going to go on about my hair or if I'm that Shroud boy."

Idia shuddered, and Gwen could imagine how terrified the look on his face was. "They'll whisper about what unsavory research I could've been doing. Ugh, this sucks." He groaned. "Making introverts like myself do public speaking is expert, no, master level difficulty."

"Idia, the rules state that the researcher themselves must go on stage to give their presentation." Riddle reminded. "I won't make room for exceptions."

"There it is, Riddle's activated his rule adherence skill." Idia sounded like he was rolling his eyes. "I think that's super illogical. In general, it would go a lot smoother if I just used a voice synthesizer rather than making people listen to my geeky prattling."

"Don't say that!" Gwen admonished. "You have a lovely voice!"

"Idia, correct me if I'm wrong, but are we not having a normal conversation?" Riddle pointed out.

"T-taking with someone you know of online chats are not the same as talking in front of a bunch of strangers." Idia argued. "And I really don't sound all that nice. The Q&A section at the end is totally impossible for me."

"The festival is still over a month away." Riddle replied, starting to look annoyed. "How about you practice opening your mouth and speaking clearly? If you'd like, I can help you practice after class."

"Eek!" Idia's tablet flew high into the air. "I-I-I'll manage on m-my own so I'll pass. No way am I taking part in the Riddle's Demonic Training event."

Gwen didn't blame him. Riddle could be a very strict teacher. She still had flashbacks to being tutored for exams.

"Wonderful." Riddle gave a small smile. "I'm looking forward to your dignified presentation."

Riddle turned to address the others in the room. "That is everything from the executive committee."

Crowley stood up, gathering his papers together. "Than that brings our dorm head meeting to a close." He announced. "Please keep up your preparations until the big day."

The students quickly scattered, each going their own way.

Gwen stayed back, noticing Vil lingering behind. He let out a heavy sigh, and Gwen approached him.

"Is everything alright Vil?" She asked with concern. "It seemed like something was bugging you the whole meeting."

Vil smiled softly at her. "You're quite an observant little potato, aren't you?" He chuckled lightly. "Thank you, but I'm doing well. Run along now."

"Okay." Gwen said, hesitantly starting to turn. "But if you need anything, please let me know."

Vil's smile widened, but the moment her back was turned, it quickly fell.


Vil sat on the edge of his bed, holding his phone in his hand. "Mira, Mira, on the phone." He said.

"Yes." The phone's AI answered in her robotic voice. "What are you searching for?"

"At this moment, who is the most beautiful one of all?" Vil asked.

"Searching the web for the account with the most mentions of beautiful..." Mira replied. "Results: Neige LeBlanche."

"Neige..." Vil spat, clutching his phone so tight the screen threatened to crack. "The time is finally here."

"Apologies but I did not hear that." Came Mira's automated reply.


Gwen shivered as she watched ink spill into a purple heart.

"Little Rabbit?" Riddle's voice drew her from her thoughts. "Is everything alright?"

"It's all fine!" Gwen assured him, turning to smile. "It's just cold is all."

Riddle nodded. "I do wish it would warm up sooner."

"Tell me about your break!" Gwen begged, wrapping her arms around one of his as they walked.

"Well, I had a talk with my mother." Riddle said.

"Oh, how it'd go?"

"Well, I'm living with Trey now, so how do you think?"

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