🐺 The King of Beasts

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It's funny, but Gwen couldn't remember the exact moment she met Myz. They had been in her life since she was very young. They were a family friend of... someone?

It was rare to see Myz, because they strongly discouraged visitors. Someone told Gwen that Myz had been through a lot of bad things, and they was still trying to recover. They even stayed away from Camelot for two centuries, traveling the world.

It was during their long travels that Myz met Hayato. Myz and Hayato had never shared all the details of how they met, but Gwen had the feeling it wasn't nice.

Hayato was strong, yet silent. But he was also very kind and affectionate with Gwen. He also didn't let Myz get away with being a jerk, and always called them out on when they were hiding behind cruel words.

Gwen had always wanted to learn magic, and she had a lot of people to teach her, but she remembered getting really fixated on having Myz as her teacher. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that Myz wouldn't baby her.

But Myz... had an... interesting reaction to Gwen's innocent request.

"You want... what?" Myz asked, their voice shaky and eyes wide.

"Please be my teacher!" Gwen pleaded.

"Get out." Myz said.

"Huh?" Gwen tilted her head in confusion.

"GET OUT!" Myz shrieked at them. "DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK!!"

Gwen ran away quickly... or did someone take her away? It was a little blurry.

Hayato had come to see her later. He said that Myz wasn't angry anymore, and that she was allowed to come over still. Myz would teach her, but Gwen had to patient with them. Myz would be a very reluctant teacher.


Gwen knocked on the door of Myz's cabin, then waited. She could hear footsteps approaching, then the door opened. Myz stared down at her in confusion.

"Eh!? What are you doing here!?" Myz asked.

"You promised me a magic lesson." Gwen beamed up at them. She didn't have to look up very far, even at her young age, she was close to Myz's height. Someone she knew liked to joke that Myz traded their height for their amazing insults.

"I did?" Myz's brows furrowed in confusion. "Well, I changed my mind. Go home." Myz started to close the door on her.

"I'm not supposed to." Gwen said quickly. Myz opened the door up to give her a questioning look. "No one else will be there." Gwen explained.

"Oh." Myz sighed, letting her in. "Well, I dunno, go read a book or something. Just let me nap." Myz gestured towards a very small bookshelf with a sparse collection of books. Then they turned into a cat and curled up on their mattress.

Gwen toddled over to the bookshelf and looked at the books. Grabbing the smallest one, she sat down on the floor and began to read.


"Hey! I'm here for my lesson!" Gwen called, coming into the cabin. Hayato was making lunch in the kitchen and Myz was curled up in the bed.

"Oh god, she's back." Myz muttered, pulling the pillow over their face.

Hayato walked away from the stove and to the bed, leaning over Myz. "Why did you offer lessons if you didn't want to teach her?" He asked.

Myz whacked Hayato with the pillow, making Gwen giggle. "Shuddup!" They snapped, climbing out of bed. "Alright, brat, You wanna learn?" Myz asked, stalking towards Gwen. "Let's go over transformations. We'll make a game out of it." They pointed a finger at Gwen and shot out a beam of pink light.

Gwen suddenly found herself much smaller. "Hey!" She squeaked. "You turned me into a mouse!"

"Yep." Myz grinned, turning into into a cat. "Let's play cat and mouse. I wanna be the cat. Better start running!"

Gwen shrieked as Myz gave chase, darting around the cabin as Hayato tired to catch them both.


"Wow, this looks like fun!" Gwen looked around the fairgrounds excitedly. "What's this called again, teacher?"

"I said not to call me that!" Myz snapped. "It's the Fortune Festival, a week long affair of fun, food, and whimsy."

"It's really popular, isn't it?" Hayato noted. "Hold onto my hand Gwen, we don't want you to get lost in the crowd."

"This place has gotten a lot of buzz in the years I've been gone." Myz realized.

"Wow! I wanna see everything! Can we stay the whole week, teacher?" Gwen pleaded.

"I said not to call me that!" Myz snapped.


Gwen was playing in the garden with... one of her stuffed toys? Something like that. But... how did a stuffed toy get deep into the woods? "Oh no!" Gwen started towards the forest. Then she remembered something that Myz had said...

"Look, I live pretty deep in the forest, but the surrounding area is pretty safe. Don't go deeper into the woods, you hear me, brat? If you need something from there, which I doubt will happen, I'll go get it."

Gwen considered getting Myz and Hayato... but this was an emergency! She had to get to her toy! She looked over her shoulder at the cabin. "Teacher! Hayato! I'm going into the woods to get my toy back!"

Gwen dashed into the woods, trying to find her toy. She finally found it and scooped it up tightly in her arms, giving it a hug and kiss on the head. "Don't run away like that again!"

Gwen stiffened, feeling something watching her. She turned her head to see a bear standing a few feet in behind her. Gwen screamed, and the bear charged. "MYZ!!!"

There was a sharp cry, and a giant falcon dived down and grabbed Gwen's arms, picking her up and flying her away. As the falcon rushed her to safety, Gwen saw a giant wolf come charging at the bear, snarling all the while.

The falcon carried her back to the cabin and gently dropped her in the grass, turning back into Hayato. He pulled Gwen into his arms, fussing over her. "Are you hurt!? Why'd you go into the woods!?"

Gwen started to cry. "M-my toy! I had to get it!" She turned to the woods. "Where's Myz!?"

A large wolf trotted out of the forest, slowly turning into Myz. They had a limp, their outfit was torn, and they were bleeding from their side.

"T-teacher... you're hurt!" Gwen sobbed as they approached.

"Oh, this?" Myz examined their side nonchalantly. "Pft... this is nothing. Trust me, I've had way worse. And don't call me teacher!"

"This is all my fault." Gwen cried.

"Yes, it is." Myz agreed with a smile. "What did I tell you about playing that deep in the woods, you brat!?" They glared at her.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Gwen bawled.

"Ugh... look, you did good, calling for me, brat." Myz sighed, pulling her into a hug. "If you need me like that again, just call. I'll know."

"I promise, Teacher." Gwen nuzzled into their non-bloody side.

"I said not to call me that!" Myz snapped.

"Okay, Myz." Gwen giggled.

Hayato chuckled. "We are going to be in so much fucking trouble when ... finds out!"

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