🐙 Anemone Heads

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One week later, Ace was charging through the halls after Grim. "Stop right there, Grim!" He shouted. "I'm not gonna let this slide today of all days!"

"Ha ha sucker." Grim taunted. "You should write your name on it!"

"Why you!!!" Ace growled.

"What happened this time?" Gwen asked, watching the commotion. "Another fight?"

Deuce shook his head, holding Gwen's hand. "They'll never give it a rest, will they."

"Ah, babe!" Ace shouted, running up to Gwen after Grim. "If you're really a prefect then properly watch over your residents. This jerk went and stole the bread I set aside for a snack again!"

"That's rude to say I stole it." Grim took his usual place of Gwen's shoulder. "I just happened to eat it after it fell on your desk."

"You don't say things fell on someone's desk when they were purposely set there, y'know!" Ace replied. "Running away like the thief you are. I'll show you with my wind magic..."

"Oh you wanna go?" Grim hissed. "I'll hit right back with my fire magic..."

Suddenly both of the boy's eyes went wide. "Ah!" They both looked nervous.

"You know what, let's knock it off with the magic." Ace said. "It would be a huge pain to have to clean windows again as a punishment."

"You say smart things every once in a while." Grim chuckled. "It'd be pretty immature for me to be the only one using magic so I'll let you off the hook this time."

"Aw!" Gwen wrapped her arms around both of them in a hug. "I'm so proud of you two!" She kissed Ace on the cheek. "You're so grown up!" She scratched Grim behind the ears.

"It's rare for you two to stop on your own." Deuce noted. "Usually it takes the headmaster jumping in after you've burned the classroom black to end your fights."

"No sweat?" Ace shrugged. "I'd look like a dumbass throwing hands over bread with a raccoon."

"Come again!?" Grim looked angry again. "You really don't know when to shut up!"


"Time to start class, puppies." Crewel said. "Sit like good little pups. First up, I'll return your tests."

"It's finally time." Deuce said eagerly.

"Nyaha! Test return!" Grim cheered. "Come on teach!"

"Grim, calm yourself." Crewel commanded, slapping his pointer stick into his palm. "Stay, stay!! Come get your tests in student number order. Number one!"

Once all the tests were passed out, everyone eagerly checked their grades.

"Hooray! 92 points!" Ace celebrated.

"88 points!" Deuce gasped. "I-I can't believe there would be a day I scored over 80..."

"Look, Gwen!" Grim shoved his paper in Gwen's face. "I scored 85 points!!!"

"That's amazing everyone!" Gwen beamed. She held up her paper. "Look, I got a perfect score! Those tutoring sessions really paid off!"

"This means I won't have to repeat a year...!" Deuce said happily.

"It seems like you all studied hard for your exam." Crewel noted. "It's completely different from your quizzes..." Crewel looked curious for a moment. "Actually, it's strange for the average to increase this much."

"Eh, it's strange..." Ace repeated. "What do you mean, Master Crewel?"

"The average test score for potions is over 90 in all grades." Crewel explained. "I heard from Mr. Trein that the results in history were also fairly good."

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