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"Hey, beasty!" Grim called. "Over here!"

The forest shook as the monster clawed its out of the mines and into the forest. "LeAAAVVEE!" It roared at them.

"Gah!" Grim shrieked. "It's coming!"

Gwen whistled from her spot and waved as the monster turned to face her. "Golly! I'm over here big guy!" She called.

"Grr?! There... thief... too. Won't give... mine... mine!!" The monster growled. It punched the ground, making it shake.

"That punch looks like a knockout if it lands!" Grim warned.

"Let's just get it away from the tunnels." Gwen said. She picked up Grim and started to bolt.

"Go away! Go away!!" The monster called out, chasing them into the woods.

"It's pretty far from the tunnel now!" Grim pointed out.

Gwen nodded. "Go!" She shouted.

"Ok, I got this!" Ace's voice called from the trees. "Let's go, Extra Large Tempest!" A whirlwind whipped through the trees.

Grim jumped out of Gwen's arms and turned to face the monster. "And the Great Grim's Fire Special!" He blew out a torrent of fire.

The monster grunted in confusion as it was blasted with a massive wave of fire.

"How's this!" Ace grinned at Gwen. "I can even fan Grim's shoddy flame into an inferno!"

"It's not shoddy!" Grim replied. "Every word out of your mouth pisses me off!"

"The monster is caught in the inferno!" Gwen pointed out. "Now's our chance!"

Deuce stepped out from his hiding place, taking a deep breath. "Calm down... take aim... the biggest, heaviest... thing I know..." He told himself, concentrating. His eyes opened, a fierce look on his face. "Come forth, cauldron!"

A massive cauldron landed on the monster's head, slamming it into the dirt.

"Got it!" Grim cheered. "Nice work everyone! Hey look!" He pointed at the monster. "The monster looks flat as a pancake just like Ace earlier!"

Gwen started giggling at the memory. "You don't need to bring that up again!" Ace said. "Jeez, today isn't my day." That only made Gwen laugh even harder. "Oi! Stop laughing! It's not funny!" Gwen was cackling now.

"Let's go get the magic crystal while that thing can't move." Deuce reminded the group.

Gwen calmed down with a sigh, noticing both boys had a slight blush on their face for some reason. "Deuce is right! Let's go!" The four ran into the mine. The monster growled as the group ran past him and into the cave.

The four ran deep into cavern, all the way to where they had seen the shimmer. "There!" Deuce called, pointing at a glowing stone. "A magic crystal!"

"Hands off!!" The monster bellowed, squirming underneath the shaking cauldron. Gwen ran to the wall and began prying the crystal free.

"Crap!" Ace said. "That thing is almost free!"

"Oi, Deuce! Throw some more stuff on it!" Grim suggested.

"Eeh, something heavy?!" Deuce asked, fumbling for his pen. "Come forth! Cauldron!" He called. Though it landed, the monster appeared unaffected by it. "And umm, cauldron?!" Deuce repeated. Another hit. "One more, cauldron!" Another hit, making the monster cry out.

"Do you have nothing but cauldrons in you repertoire?!" Ace asked in disbelief.

"Shut up!" Deuce snapped. "I'm at my wits end here!"

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